Jane’s Worry Elephant by Kelly Miller, CAAP (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

I am so excited to share a new children’s book with you called Jane’s Worry Elephant A Self-Help Guide for Kids with Anxiety by  Kelly Miller (Author), Miguel Ambalada (Illustrator). I received a copy of in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate link. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

If you ask me Jame is a very lucky little girl because she has a Elephant Joe which I would give anything to have. What about you. Would you want a Elephant? The book is for those of us suffering from anxiety which at times Charlie and I do. How about you? The illustrator work for his friends and the author worked for her daughter.

At times all of us get’s anxious but Jane’s does everyday so she has a Elephant to help her with this only the Elephant ends up taking drastic measures to help her. Because of this hit her worry button daily. To hep Jane out the Elephant thought he should sit on her. Jane got scared about making a mistake and the Elephant over reacted and made Jane feel worse. It got to the point Jane didn’t even want to go out to dinner with her parents just like Charlie.

Jane and her brother would bicker and jane began to believe he was a threat to her. Joe talked to jane about fear but he made it worse at times. Finally Jane talked to her parents about the way she was feeling and they helped her and she was able to talk to Joe about how being calm helped her.

Jane began to use mindfulness and things changed for the better. Jane and Fred learned to be kind toe ach other. Jan won a medal in gymnastics and Joe even cheered for Jane. I love how the Author teaches us positive ways to deal when being anxious and in the back of the book is a parent guide giving us steps to help us out in different circumstances

The Author even included a page on strategies we can all use no, what how old we are. Also inside the book is a guide we can fill out and to make sure we always have it on hand we can print out copies of this guide to put in a folder and we can make a copy for anyone feeling anxious. The illustarions are so cute. All teachers and counselors should keep copies of this book in there office at all times.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates