Charlie and I was talking last night and he said mom I love when you apologize to me or say you didn’t something wrong. Or Charlie I am not perfect and I make mistakes just like you do.

I asked Charlie why he felt like that he said he was at Bradley’s last night and his brother Corbin had done something and instead of asking Bradley if he knew who did it.
They blamed Bradley and even after finding out B wasn’t the one who did it they didn’t apologia to B or even say they was sorry. Charlie, said mom that wasn’t right was it.
I told Charlie it wasn’t but I couldn’t get involved because he wasn’t my child. But when B came over that evening I let him know I knew what happened.
I also let B know I was sorry they did that and how much I loved him and how PROUD of B I was because he didn’t yell at his mom. He just waled away.
Later that night David let Charlie know he is sorry he wasn’t better at admitting when he makes mistakes and saying I am sorry. But if we would help him he would try and change.
I believe this is going to bring Charlie and David closer together. Once this Self Isolation is over I plan on going to the Fort Worth Stockyards to pick up a Metal Sign I found with John Wayne on that says “never apologize and never explain its a sign of weakness” to remind Charlie, David and I that this isn’t true.
Under the sign David, Charlie and I will make up a set of rules showing why we should apologize and ways to do it and why its okay to say I am sorry which we will hang up in our living room to remind us to apologize when we do something wrong.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates