It’s Not Your Fault: The Subconscious Reasons We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new self-help book with you called It’s Not Your Fault: The Subconscious Reasons We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop by Laura K. Connell (Author). I received a copy of the novel in exchange for this review. Once you finish the review if you would like to have more information check out the Press Release here. Inside this post are my affiliate links if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

As a child I new from the get-go I wasn’t wanted by my parents. My dad even told me that when he found out I was a girl he wanted to give me to my grandmother. If my dad had I know I would have had a better life. My sister was the baby of the family and my dad’s favorite. My brother was my mom’s favorite and everyone knew it.

I was a afterthought and had to do all the chores because I was the oldest and to watch my siblings after school. My dad was a alcoholic and didn’t mind saying mean hateful things to me. My family knew it was happening but no, one stepped in. When I had my daughter my dad let me know he would take her but I wouldn’t ever be able to see her because I was unmarried. My mom was embarrassed by my pregnancy and she wanted me to give my daughter aways. She wouldn’t even come see me in the hospital or my daughter.

Fast forward and my sister ends up pregnant and not married but my mom and no, I don’t think my dad had any say in it forced her to marry the father which didn’t even last a year. Both my sister and Rodney were young and had a lot of growing up to do. Because of that my nephew was treated better than my daughter by my mom but my dad did all he could to make my daughter feel special and treated my nephew bad at times.

Being a mom I always tried to not treat my children or my nieces and nephews the way my parents treated me and there grandkids but being a parent its hard. At times I feel like I’m turning into my mom and dad. As Charlie gets older I wanted to change things so we would have a better relationship and Charlie will want to bring his family around if he has one.

I’m so glad I found a copy o which has helped me see what happened to me as a child wasn’t my fault. I’ve found positive ways to move forward and even have advice for my best friend whose parents treated her the same way.

My goal is to Charlie readf It’s Not Your Fault: The Subconscious Reasons We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop in his Home Economics Health class for Homeschool. Then Charlie, David and I will be able to discuss things we seem to hide under the rug. When I have the opportunity I would like to purchase a copy of the book for my best friend for Valentines for us to discuss over lunch.

Hopefully having a copy of f It’s Not Your Fault: The Subconscious Reasons We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop will help Debbie to move forward in a positive manner and come to terms with her parents whose health is failing before they pass away and she has a chance to see her dad who she has written out of her life.

About the book:

A guide to help readers uncover the subconscious reasons they hold themselves back along with an exploration of the ways negative childhood experiences have impacted their lives and fed into the problem.

We are sometimes our own worst enemies, sabotaging our success and with it our chance for lasting happiness and opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment. It’s Not Your Fault helps readers uncover the subconscious reasons they hold themselves back. These blind spots were often created in childhood as coping mechanisms in response to trauma.

Rather than teaching tactics that ignore or give surface attention to adverse childhood events, the book lovingly guides readers to explore the ways these events have impacted their lives and how this knowledge will help them access true transformation. Readers will be relieved to discover that it’s not a lack of willpower that has held them back, but a lack of self-knowledge instead.

Those who have been let down by traditional therapeutic techniques know that behavior modification doesn’t work for everyone. Simply doing things differently while staying the same on the inside might help for the short term, but before long old patterns emerge. Once they decide to get serious about change, however, and stop tweaking habits in the hope it will result in lasting transformation, they can create a life by design instead of default. It takes work, an internal excavation, and Laura comes alongside the reader as a trusted guide who has been where they are now. She provides the tools and anecdotal evidence to show them how to overcome the pain of self-sabotage and create the life they desire.

Meet the Author: Laura K. Connell

Laura K. Connell is a trauma-informed author and coach who helps her clients uncover blind spots that lead to relationship struggles and self-sabotage. She writes about healing dysfunctional family dynamics at her website Her guest articles have further reached millions through personal development websites Life Hack, Pick the Brain, Dumb Little Man, Thought Catalog, Highly Sensitive Refuge, the anthology Chicken Soup for the Soul, and national newspapers The Globe and Mail and Toronto Star. She also hosts multi-speaker online retreats that have helped thousands of attendees.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates