It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! Put Your Mental Health First With Diamond Art Club Diamond Painting which is a Creative pastime activity for any age.
Mental Health Awareness month reminds us the importance of finding activities such as arts and crafts to take our mind off of the everyday stressors!
Crafting with Diamond Art Club is the new creative pastime that is taking the crafting world by storm and is a great form of mental health therapy! This stress-free activity puts your mind at ease and gratifies crafters looking for a creative outlet.

1. It Reduces Stress and Anxiety—Making art gives participants a sense of calm, productivity and mindfulness, which can effectively lessen their feelings of stress, worry and anxiety.
2. It Reduces Depression—Painting, drawing or completing a relaxing craft can help those with depression and mood disorders feel more comfortable being honest about their feelings.
3. It Stimulates Mental Function—Creating art can help you sink into a state of stimulated relaxation, allowing your brain to focus on something without the stress of overthinking.
4. It Improves Self-Esteem—Art therapy has been used to improve self-esteem in a variety of different populations, including those particularly vulnerable to low self-esteem.
5. It Provides a Creative Release—The self-satisfaction and tranquility one feels after a period of creative exploration can lead to improved feelings of happiness, confidence and inner peace.