Isolation Brings Families Closer Together

The Mommies Reviews

I am one who hates being stuck in the house. I will find somewhere to go even when I don’t have anywhere to go. The past two weeks has changed this.

Suzzane’s dream horse, while mine is a Clydesdale.

I’ve only been out twice and that was to pick up food and I sat in the car. I didn’t have any inking to go it to the restaurant. Over the weekend we watched movies as a family.

There was no fighting with Charlie to turn off the electronics. Charlie let me know he wanted to be with me and David. Even though it’s scary with David being off mor and not knowing how we will be able to pay the bills I am enjoying having my family here.

We have cooked at home more that we have in the past year. Charlie is up this morning working on lessons. David is picking up the bedroom. We already have dinner planned.

We found movies to watch this evening and will be playing Board Games as a family which we haven’t done in a long time. Or at least David hasn’t played with Charlie and I.

If your in our neighborhood and as bored as were getting we could do a Facebook chat and play Games together or watch movies. We can make our favorite snacks and spend the evening getting to know each other more.

Charlie and I have started a bucket list for when we can go out. We plan on returning to the Stockyards to ride horses in his sisters memory. I hope they have a Paint lime in the picture as this was Suzzie and also my sisters favorite horse.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates