I wanted to share two children’s books from INDESTRUCTIBLES: BABY’S. Which is a series of children’s books that includes the following children’s books.Baby’s First Passover and Indestrucables HAPPY EASTER! which I received a copy of in exchange for this review. For more information on the books check out this link.

My niece Alex has a whole passel of children in different ages including twins who are 2. Daisy who is 3. Payton who is 9 and my family has been trying to get Alex to purchase books for the children. Then Alex and her husband Joe could read to them at night which would help Payton in school because she struggles with reading and has to take special classes.
Alex and her husband Joe say they don’t want to purchase physical books because the kids would tear them up or write in the books. Which is true and something all kids do but it’s your responsibility to make sure the children learn this isn’t acceptable and they shouldn’t do that. Alex and Joe aren’t that responsible which is why I don’t like to give the kids’ books.

With these two books I wouldn’t have to worry about that. I will be purchasing INDESTRUCTIBLES: BABY’S series of books for my Mother in Law Sherry to keep at her home. Then the kids will have the opportunity to see and feel books instead of their tablets all the time. INDESTRUCTIBLES are so easy to read Payton will be able to practice her reading while reading to her sisters and brothers.
My sister Debbie brought my niece Lily and my nephew Jason over to pick Charlie for Church. They saw the books laying on my desk. Lily picked up Indestrucables HAPPY EASTER! and began to read the story. As Lilywas reading the book Jason let me know he liked all the colors on the cover of the book. I let the kids know these books are indestructible.
Lily and Jason were surprised to hear this. They said they would like to purchase each of these books for their Church Nursery. Charlie said that we could put together an Easter Basket and include Indestrucables HAPPY EASTER! and Indestructibles: Baby’s First Passover for the Teachers to share with the students. The nice part was when Charlie said he would be able to read to the babies because he doesn’t like reading out loud. Do you like to?
I love how Indestrucables HAPPY EASTER! us questions giving the children the opportunity to do counting when they look for Easter Eggs in the book. Once Charlie finished looking for the Easter Eggs we discussed what kind of treats Charlie could prepare in his Homeschool Cooking Class. Do you have a suggestion on what we should make?
Next Charlie and I looked through Indestructibles: Baby’s First Passover which allowed us to add a new Lesson to our Homeschool Classes. Passover wasn’t something we knew much about. Charlie and I were surprised to find out one million copies of this book has been sold. Isn’t that amazing? Charlie even came across words he wasn’t sure about there we were able to look up in my dictionary allowing Charlie to learn a new skill.

I liked how the Author mentioned a song they sing. Charlie can look up for his Homeschool Music Class. Through this new book children of all ages will learn to embrace Passover and the traditions that go along with it. Even if you’ve feed the little ones and read the book to them and they grab it out of your hands they can’t mess the book up because its chew proof which we need in our home with our dogs.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out these books, I hope you do soon because I know you’re going to fall in love with them just as my family did.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates