If you’re considering Homeschooling as a way to educate your children, I’d encourage you to read on and learn incredible benefits of Homeschooling
Here are some great benefits of homeschooling:
1. Homeschooling offers more opportunities to transfer family values and beliefs:
When you homeschool, you continue to be your child’s primary influence in the area of values and beliefs. With homeschooling, you can use Christian based educational materials and teach your children how God has been at add history, how God created the planet, etc. You have longer to show them Biblical principles and help them to grow in their faith.
2. Homeschooling offers more opportunities to work on building your child’s character:
when you homeschool you have a lot more time to focus on building godly character in your children. You get to see the good, the bad, and the ugly when you’re with them 24/7. We had many opportunities to build not only our children’s character but also our own as we homeschooled.
3. Homeschoolers are academically successful
Studies have found that homeschooled students do very well academically! The homeschool student has the unique privilege of being taught one-on-one. In this situation, the teacher is in a position to show mastery and is aware when their student isn’t understanding or once they can advance. This lends itself to higher academic achievement.
4. Homeschooling offers more time to learn and explore areas of interest:
The time it takes a homeschool student to finish their daily schoolwork is usually lessened because there aren’t the distractions that come up during a class of 25-30 students. Homeschool students also are not held back by their peers who might not be ready to progress as quickly as they will so that they can progress quickly if they’re able
5. You can customize and individualize your child’s curriculum and their learning environment to fit their needs:
Children are unique and that they typically are unique within the way they like to find out also. with homeschooling, you’ll give them those much-needed stretch breaks to assist their brains to refocus. Or possibly they learn best with the hands-on approach, and we can offer that with homeschooling.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates