In Your Neighborhood Is There Parents Who?

Today, I have a question for you Please if you do not mind answering it. In your neighborhood are there parents who bury there heads in the sand? Now you might ask what I mean by that and here is what I mean ” do there children do no, wrong?” Even when people see them doing things they shouldn’t be doing?

The reason I am asking you this is  the other day I had taken Charlie to school when a gentleman stopped me on the school grounds and let me know someone had been jumping his fence and climbing into his swimming pool.

The fence is posted with  “no trespassing”signs to keep anyone out of his yard. But this didn’t deter the children from climbing over his fence and breaking it.

Also there is another neighbor with a stock pond on there property. So they have been going over there and climbing into that poll as well.  The people in this house are in the nursing home and so no, one lives on this property so if these children had gotten hurt no, one would have even known they was there.

As soon as I found out what was happening since I knew the grandmother of one of the little boys I went to tell her what the boys was doing to keep them from getting hurt. Instead of her confronting the little boy she says well he hasn’t been wet so I know it wasn’t my grandson. Which wasn’t true as the gentleman described her grandson to to a t. Along with the little boy he always plays with.

So last night as I sat outside one of Charlies friends comes over to ask if he can play.  Charlie knows he can’t play with the other 2 little boys that was breaking into the neighbors yards. So since they had been playing with this little boy. Charlie ask where they are and Charlies friend says they have gone to the pool to  play.

I go inside and ask David to go with me over to the house where the pool is to see if the children are in the pool.  Once we round the corner where the house is and pull up where they are supposed to be the owners of the house have caught both boys and have them standing there. As they had called the police out to pick these children up.

David goes over to the one little boys house to let the grandmother know what is happening. She arrives and the police officer talks to her grandson and lets him go home with her. All the while she is saying you will never be able to play with the other little boy again. Only that isn’t the case as in a couple days when she isn’t watching her grandson they will be back together. As this has happened before again and again.

The other little boy is put into the police car and the policeman takes him somewhere. Then a little bit later I see the policeman pull up in front of this little boys house and the policeman  leaves him with his grandmother.

So now I have a  question for you is what do you think should happen with this little boy as this isn’t the first time he has broken into houses around her or even beaten up other children and taken things that don’t belong to him.

So today I have a question for you this child is only 9 or 10 and in trouble all the time. He also lives with his grandmother who can’t handle him. The school has even kicked him out and he is in a special school. So my question for you is what should we do about this as the police aren’t doing anything.

Before you say call CPS and report him numerous people including the school has and they pick him up and keep him or a little bit and before we know it he is back home.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates