Last night David was going to bed as he had to get up at 3 am to go to work. When I was settling in on the couch to watch TV and Charlie was in his room playing a game. As I flipped the remote to find a show to watch, I found myself relaxing and just breathing for the first time all day. As it was quite and there wasn’t any drama. As I sat on the couch, I thanked the Lord for my home and family.
When all of a sudden David comes out of the bedroom saying over and over it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. He goes into the restroom, and I hear something which sounds like he was throwing up. Charlie and I wait for David to come out of the bathroom. Once he does, he is doubled over in pain and clutching his chest.
I asked David if he wanted me to call 911 and he said no, he would lay back down and see if he quit hurting. Before he made it into the bed, he let me know he wanted to go to the Hospital. I gather the things we need up, and we set off for the Emergency Room. I know the Lord was with us as I do not drive and David had to drive himself.
He did veer into the other lane one time but no, one was around, and he was able to keep going without any more incidents. Once we arrive at the Emergency Room and we get inside they take David right back and start to do a test on him as he had problems with his Heart and wanted to make sure it wasn’t a Heart Attack.
Charlie and I waited and waited for them to find out what was going on, and we just kept Praying David would get comfortable. Charlie was such a Trooper he kept checking on David and asking him how the pain was and if he needed to get the Nurse. Finally, Charlie wore himself out and laid down on the floor and fell asleep.
After hours and hours of waiting the Doctor came in and let David know it was Gastroenteritis and also Inflammatory Bowel Disease and they the Doctor sent us home with a list of Meds and said we needed to find a specialist for David. So once again with no Insurance, I am not sure how this will work although I know the Lord will take care of us and he doesn’t give us more than we can handle.
So once again as Life Gives Us Lemons I am playing our family into the Lords’ hands and asking if everyone would Pray not only for Charlie and I but David as well. Along with Davids job as he works at the Airport and I am Praying this doesn’t affect his career and Praying David gets well soon as both Charlie and I need him more than anything and we Love him and hate seeing him suffer.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates