I was blessed last night to be able to fulfill one of Charlie’s dreams. When I started this blog 12 years ago I didn’t know where it would take me or even if it would work.

We’ve had amazing adventures through my blog but nothing like last night. I was able to host a #BloggerNight at @iFly Fort Worth. Throughout the day it had STORMED. I had people tell me it was going to be worse during the time our event was scheduled.

I knew God knew our needs and he would take care of us. As the day went on the Weather cleared out and turned into a beautiful evening. I’m so blessed to say it didn’t rain until we were leaving and then it was just sprinkling.

Once we arrived at iFly I was introduced to Joseph and Diane. I could tell how much they loved there jobs and there Staff. The kindness, consideration and availability was amazing.
I filled out the Flight Wavers I needed for Charlie and Kyle to fly. I could have filled these out at home., but Charlie wasn’t sure he would or wouldn’t fly.

I waited until we arrived at iFly so Charlie could watch others flying and decide on his own what he wanted to do. As we walked in and Charlie was able to walk around I could see he was becoming more comfortable and open to flying.
Charlie to decide to fly which was amazing because Charlie is afraid of heights As well as being scared to try new things from being Bullied. Charlie doesn’t try new things.
Our instructor Charles had everyone watch the video. Then Charles showed everyone how to fly. Charlie thought it was cool he had the same name and that like my Charlie he liked to joke around. Making Charlie more apt to listen and learn.

I could see Charlie and his friends getting more and more excited. Kyle, Aiden and John couldn’t wait to get there Flight Suits on. As soon as Charlie saw them getting dressed he couldn’t wait to get in line and try a fight suit on as well.

I wish David and I had been able to fly because this would have been a great bonding experience for our family although David and I have had shoulder injuries which kept us from participating.

That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t come back to iFly for Birthday parties, Corporate Events and #GirlNights because a couple of my girlfriends didn’t make it last night and they want to experience iFly in person.
I liked learning iFly offers different packages and one of them includes Pizza. I wouldn’t have to cook dinner before coming out to iFly. David even took the pamphlets for Corporate Events to take to his boss. David’s boss Stephen likes to take his staff out.

I loved learning iFly works with Local Schools. I’m hoping we can get Birdville ISD as a approved school. I even found out iFly can host Fundraisers that will be tailored to your needs.

As you arrive at iFly there are 5 steps you will go through;
- Check In
- Then you will listen to a training which was hosted by Charles
- The you watch a Video
- You will be given your Flight Suit and Helmet which come in different colors depending on your weight and size. There is a weight limit for people wanting to fly. Which even though I hate to admit if I had wanted to fly I wouldn’t have been able to. Which is another reason I must and will lose this weight I need to lose.
- Then it’s time to fly and you will be in the air for 1 minutes. As your booking your flight you will be asked to chose between the regular flight and the high flight. Charlie, Kyle and Aiden did the regular flight while John did the High Fly.

Tara C Todd came to the event last night. Even though Tara is afraid of flying I’m proud to let you know Tara did try fly. Tara let me know she can’t wait to come back with her family. Her son has even said he would like to host his Birthday Party at iFly. Check out Tara’s thoughts here:

If you’ have you’ve visited iFly use the Hashtags and comment below to tell us about your experiences.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates