I Chose You written by Carmen Leal is a book I was blessed to receive a copy of in exchange for this review.

I’ve been blessed to have grown up with dogs not only in my home, but my dad’s mom had a outside dog growing up. Most of the dogs I’ve had have been free as a child. But growing up my ex-husband Everett and my mom bought me a Rescue Dog which was part Saint Bernard and my daughter Sam a German Shepard which we loved more than anything.
Then my puppy passed away, so Everett purchased a Full-Blooded Saint Bernard for me that cost a lot of money. Then he left and took Chief with him. Leaving me Sam Suzzie’s dog. Who ended up living with Davd’s parents. Then he passed away and I was devasted. Until David brought me Sandi from a gentleman he worked with that didn’t want her.
I was blessed to have Sandi for 17 years and then she went to be with the Lord with Charlie’s dog Lucy falling not soon after. David then went and searched Animal Shelters and rescued Pheobie for me my Rat Terroir which has been the best dog ever. If you’re looking for a dog I would recommend you read I Chose You and you will find out that we don’t always choose a dog they choose us.

Or at least that is what happened with my daughter and her dog Sam when she was little. Through the book there is resources we can all use that Charlie and I will be checking into when we study Pets in our Homeschool Classes this year. Would you like to join us in this study and come read I Chose You with my family.
I wish Suzzie was here to read “Miss April In Paris” by Barbara Berth because Suzzie always wanted to go to Paris. Through the book both Charlie and David learned how animals can help us and its reminded us why we need to get Charlie’s dog trained as an emotional support dog and if truth be told Pheobie as well for me as she is my walking companion and when I’m feeling anxious and panic attacks happen she calms me.

Of course, we all know we don’t deserve dogs (!) and these few-pages-each stories tell wonderful and heartwarming stories of how dogs have a given love and well-being and surprise to their owners and have taught their owners a lot. Very engaging and the stories are a quick read. A wonderful compilation. references for those seeking more information on animal rescue. behind the book for some time—an author who reluctantly adopted a dog as therapy following a traumatic accident and ended up volunteering at the rescue center and writing a book about rescue dogs and the people they rescue. Since our family has been rescued by a rescue dog, as well, this was one book I knew I had to read!
I Chose You certainly checks every box for “all the feels.” I was hooked from the first page and gladly give it 5 stars, 2 thumbs up, and several chapters’ worth of tails wildly wagging!
Adopting a rescue dog isn’t always a walk in the park, but it’s a life-changing encounter with unconditional love.
Who doesn’t need more of that in their life?
Carmen Leal is a storyteller and the author of multiple books, articles, devotionals, and human-interest stories. Carmen relocated from Hawaii to Oshkosh, yes, there is a story behind the move, and has become an awesome dog mom. Carmen and her husband have become reluctant gardeners and know a crazy amount about Wisconsin weeds. She is the mother of two sons, two incredible grandsons, and Coconut, the best imperfectly perfect rescue dog in the world.
Carmen’s journey to being owned by her dog and all that entails was not been without lots of twists and turns and costly mistakes. She didn’t know enough about rescuing dogs, okay, she knew nothing. Despite her complete lack of research or knowledge she ended up with a dog who was and continues to be perfect for her.
Learn more about Carmen and Coconut by visiting. Want to learn more about rescue dogs? Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Rescuemoredogs. A portion of every book sold will help us rescue more dogs!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates