How Walking Can Help You Lose Weight

The Mommies Reviews

Losing weight has always been the most wanted yet the hardest to achieve goal of people. Some would deny this, but the majority of us would love to do little to nothing and still get the calories burnt. Unfortunately, that is impossible. However, it is great news that with a simple step forward, we could start to get rid of unwanted fat. As the famous quote from Neil Armstrong says, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” 

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Hence, the easiest way to start one’s weight loss journey; Walking.

Regular walking offers numerous potential medical advantages: it averts coronary illness, raises the heart rate, brings down circulatory strain, fortifies the heart, lightens up one’s mood, strengthens the bones, muscles, and joints, and yes; it helps us lose weight.

A study in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry states that this type of light exercise creates a positive effect on obese females, wherein, a 150 minutes per week for a total of 12 weeks of walking could cause an average loss of 1.5% body fat and 1.1 inches around the waist. Nevertheless, if you want to lose more than what the study suggests, there are some tips that you could give a try.

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One is to pick up the pace.

According to studies, the amount of calories burnt is directly affected by the speed while exercising. But we must remember that speed does not mean that you must run; walking briskly is enough to lose more calories compared to walking normally.

Another is to maintain form and posture while doing the walk. Through this, a person is also giving some additional benefits to the abdominal muscles and glutes. Next is to control one’s food intake. In other words, start your diet. This is the hardest to do, but indeed the best way to get rid of a huge amount of calories.

Dieting while committing oneself to walk may sound harsh, but it is actually not that tremendous. It in effect is just heavy to imagine, but you do not have to be so hard on yourself. At the end of the day, it is only a matter of responsibility and self-discipline. 

Some effective tips to ponder are:

  • Still eat food that you love, but remember to decrease portions. 
  • Processed food and snacks should be substituted by fruits and vegetables (the organic ones are suggested). 
  • Pick a much healthier choice of food. 

It isn’t necessary to shock yourself with these lifestyle adjustments, but again, at the end of the day, it is only a matter of responsibility and self-discipline.

Think of dieting and walking as Batman and Robin; an iconic and powerful duo. Half of the pair is powerful enough as an individual, but with the help of the other, they are unbreakable. 

Truly, a simple walk could get you to greater heights, but doing it along with the other helpful tips mentioned in this article, you’ll surely go beyond heights greater than the greatest.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates