How To Treat Menstrual Cramps Naturally

Menstrual cramps can be described as painful sensations that affect women all over the world just before or during their menstrual period. The pain is often experienced when the ovaries release an egg and it travels down the fallopian tube. The pain is usually felt in the lower abdomen as well as the lower back. While some women have regular cycles, other women are not that lucky. This makes it difficult to predict when menstrual cramps will start. It might be just before an important event in your life like an exam, an important interview, or the school play and so on. It is no wonder that women have been looking for remedies from menstrual cramps over centuries.
The medical term given to menstrual cramps is Dysmenorrhea. It is caused by the hormone-like substance called prostaglandins. Although the level of menstrual cramps varies from woman to woman, it is often caused due to high levels of prostaglandins. It is interesting to note that menstrual cramps often become less painful as you grow older or give birth. According to medical professionals, there are certain conditions that can also cause menstrual cramps. Treating these conditions might help you find some relief:
- Endometriosis
In case the lining tends to form outside of the uterus, like in the fallopian tubes, it will cause more pain compared to regular menstrual cramps.
- Uterine Fibroids
Any form of non-cancerous growth on the uterus walls can lead to pain in the abdominal area, making people mistake for menstrual cramps.
- Adenomyosis
This condition arises when the tissue that lines the uterus starts growing into the uterine walls.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
As a result of the transmission of bacteria during sex, the female reproductive organs can get infected leading to a condition known as a pelvic inflammatory disease. This condition can cause pain similar to menstrual cramps.
- Cervical stenosis
If the cervix opening is smaller in size, it will restrict the menstrual blood flow leading to pressure in the uterus ultimately causing pain in the abdominal region.
In case you experience tremendous pain that seems to not go away even after a week, it is a good idea to consult your doctor as soon as possible. However, normal period cramps are a healthy sign that your body is reacting to the shedding of the uterus wall naturally. If the pain gets a bit too much to handle, you can always rely on some home remedies to get over it.
Natural Remedies For Menstrual Cramps
Here are a few natural remedies to help you overcome menstrual cramps every month:
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Add plenty of omega-3 rich food to your daily diet. This includes salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies and so on. If you do not have easy access to fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids or do not have time to make healthy meals, you can also try fish oil capsules that are available at local pharmacies. In fact, some doctors recommend taking fish oil capsules as the pills are filtered to remove any form of pollutants like PCBs and mercury. Recent studies have shown that women who increase their omega-3 fatty acid intake, tend to experience less painful menstrual cramps. This is largely due to the fact that the compounds found in fish oil help reduce prostaglandin levels drastically.
Magnesium is found in abundance in green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. Magnesium plays an important role in over three hundred biochemical reactions in the human body. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, nerve functions, immune functions, heart rhythm, bone health and so on. A study in 2001 showed that magnesium seemed to have a profound effect on menstrual cramps. An added advantage is the fact that magnesium intake causes no side effects, making it a win-win situation for women all over the world. However, it is essential to stick to low doses of magnesium since an increased dose can lead to nausea, diarrhea, muscle weakness, loss of appetite and so on.
It is a healing practice for different ailments. It has been around for several centuries and uses the same principles as acupuncture. Rather than applying needles, acupressure involves applying pressure. The name of the point where acupuncturists work on to offer relief from menstrual cramps is called Spleen 6. You can find this point by drawing an imaginary line along your lower calf while starting from the inner ankle. The point is around four finger widths. The point is not on the shin bone, in fact, it is just beside the back of your calf. Once you have located the point, you need to use your thumb or middle finger to apply pressure gradually at a 90-degree angle to the skin. Remember to hold the pressure for three minutes. It is essential to avoid using this technique if you are pregnant or have infected or broken skin.
Naturopathic Approach To Menstrual Cramps
According to the experts in the naturopathic industry, rather than treating menstrual cramps, it is essential to take a multifaceted approach to the problem. This means taking into account your eating habits and physical activity. By making healthy changes to your lifestyle, you will be able to experience a positive change in your menstrual cycle and might even be able to say goodbye to menstrual cramps. According to Dr. Karen R. Threlkel Naturopathic Physician, while looking at dietary changes, you need to reduce foods that are high in Arachidonic Acid. In fact, arachidonic acid is commonly found in poultry, egg yolks, and red meat and so on. It is responsible for increasing prostaglandin levels which are ultimately responsible for painful menstrual cycles. By switching to a diet that includes plenty of vegetables, low saturated fat and less meat, you will experience a profound difference in menstrual cramps. In fact, you will also experience less bloating, which is another common symptom associated with menstrual cramping.
By increasing the intake of certain nutrients and minerals in your diet, you will be able to steer clear of the menstrual cramp path. For example, Vitamin B6 can help lower fluid retention and thereby reduce menstrual cramping and bloating. Magnesium is another mineral that helps ease menstrual cramps. This is why it is essential to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Herbs To Help With Menstrual Cramps
Alternative practitioners recommend using different herbs to find relief from menstrual cramps.
Ginger can help you find relief from menstrual cramps by lowering the levels of prostaglandins. Studies have shown that women who took 250 mg ginger capsules around four times a day experienced significant relief from menstrual cramps. In fact, the relief from natural remedies was observed to be similar to taking ibuprofen pills. Besides helping reduce pain, ginger is also beneficial to the human body in several ways. It is no wonder that ginger tea has become a part of popular culture in recent times.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbs like fennel fruits, angelica root, licorice root, red peony root, and cinnamon bark have been observed to be of significant help. It helps in reducing period pains in women over the past several centuries. These roots also have anti-inflammatory as well as sedative properties, making it easier to get through your menstrual cycle every month.
Pycnogenol is extracted from pine tree barks. It helps reduce pain significantly among women who suffer severe menstrual cramps.
Fennel is an herb that has a celery-like texture with a licorice-like taste. It consists of anethole, which is responsible for reducing menstrual cramps significantly. Several studies have shown that adding fennel to your regular diet is also beneficial to your health in the long run.
It is essential to find ways to get a handle on menstrual cramps so that you can prevent them from ruining your day. Many people make the mistake of trying to ignore the pain which causes them to miss out on a lot of important things in life like their best friend’s wedding, graduation or an interview. You can try out the different options mentioned here to find out which one works for you best. In some cases, a combination of two or more methods seems to work best. This is why you need to find out what works best for your body and health.
With girls starting puberty at an earlier age these days, it is essential to educate them about how to deal with menstrual cramps so that it does not take over their lives. The lifestyle changes and dietary changes have caused girls all over the planet to start going through puberty at an earlier age compared to a few decades ago. You can help the next generation learn how to deal with the process by educating them on the natural ways of dealing with menstrual pain and also teach them the benefits of eating healthy and living healthy. At the end of the day, menstrual pain can be dealt with if you are equipped with the right tools.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates