How To Keep Your Faith Intact During A Crisis

The Mommies Reviews

How To Keep Your Faith Intact During A Crisis

You may be the strongest person spiritually, but your faith may easily take a blow when a crisis hits. Your world seems to go upside down, and stress and anxiety levels increase. Faith and hope often take a backseat when you see darkness ahead. Yet, these are the only qualities that can keep you afloat during challenging times and help you cruise through them. Fortunately, keeping your faith intact during a crisis is easier than you think. You only need to take control of your mind and steer your thoughts in the right direction. Here are some actionable tips to stay on track when things seem to go haywire.

Meditate to relieve your stress

Before working on retaining your faith, you must do your bit to relieve your stress. Meditation is the best way to overcome stress and achieve a state of mental peace, regardless of the external situation. It is a practice that enables you to close out the world and focus on faith. You can disconnect from negative thoughts and connect with God by thinking deeply. Find a quiet place, acknowledge God’s presence, and seek respite from the stress. 

Read the Bible

The Bible can be a source of comfort in a troubled world when nothing seems right. When everything feels like a mess, pause and spend time reading the Bible. You will find the anxiety melting and calmness soothing your soul as you immerse yourself in the Scripture. The deeper you go, the less worried you feel. Nothing can disrupt your peace once you understand and imbibe God’s word.

Pray to strengthen your faith 

Prayer is perhaps the most powerful resource for human beings as it connects one to the Divine. According to Wyoming Carmelites, praying daily makes you a spiritually strong person who can deal with any crisis that comes your way. You may find yourself in a fix when praying during a crisis. It may be hard to find the right words, but God understands even the unspoken ones.   

Talk to someone

A crisis can be emotionally and spiritually draining, and going through alone is the worst way to handle it. But you can deal with the situation by talking to someone about your feelings and emotions. Look for a person who can guide you on faith. It could be a family member, pastor, or counseling professional. They can help you prioritize your life and determine what is vital to your faith. 

Invest in self-care

Surprisingly, your physical and mental well-being goes a long way in helping you retain faith during a challenging phase. Invest in a self-care routine because a  healthy body fosters spiritual and mental health. Eat cleansing food, follow a regular exercise schedule, take time off, and meditate every day to purge negative emotions. Even going for a walk is enough to clear your mind and reconnect with God. 

Keeping your faith intact during a crisis seems daunting, but it is easier than you expect. Accept the situation, pray for a solution, and seek strength in patience because this too shall pass! 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates