How To Instill Healthy Eating Habits In Your Children

The Mommies Reviews

Healthy eating habits are extremely important for one’s well-being. However, it’s important to point out that healthy eating habits start from childhood. So, if you’re struggling to implement a healthier way of eating, then chances are, the problem lies in your relationship with food, and possibly, your self-image. That’s why parents should do their best, to teach their children how to eat properly, so they won’t have any struggles in adulthood. Therefore, here are some helpful tips that will show you how to do it. 

Set an eating schedule 

Trying to come up with a schedule when you have very small children can be tricky, but still possible. The key is to make a schedule flexible, so in case something happens, your kids will still be able to eat at the proper time. For example, if your little ones wake up around 9, having breakfast anytime between 9:30 and 10:30 is a perfectly reasonable decision, as your kids will be fed at an appropriate time, yet, you’ll still have some room in case there’s something that needs to be taken care of in the meantime.

Never deprive them of certain foods

Every parent knows about the dangers of added sugars, artificial coloring, and ingredients in food. Also, every parent knows that kids like sweets despite them being bad for their teeth and their health. Some of them decide to ban such foods in their home, in the hope to teach their kids healthier ways of eating. However, that can cause something unexpected: as your kids grow, they’ll become more independent, and they’ll learn, often hiding that from you. Instead, be sure to provide them with plenty of information, without actually depriving them of these treats. Teach them to be moderate and to practice self-discipline instead.

Find healthier alternatives to snacks 

Healthy alternatives can be as equally satisfying as more mainstream confectionery products. Fruits, seeds, nuts, and other healthy treats can all be used as snacks, even among stubborn kids. However, if you’re looking to add these into your kids’ diet, make sure to learn what is the healthiest nuts to eat first. The same goes for fruits, seeds, honey, and other sweeteners. Making healthy nut bars and fruit bowls will definitely keep your little ones happy, plus they’ll learn to appreciate healthy foods and a more sustainable way of eating.

Give it time 

Kids, especially toddlers, can be extremely stubborn, therefore, forcing them to eat broccoli may only cause them to resist it. Instead, show them the importance of eating healthy food, while also rewarding their commitment and decisions. Of course, it’s frustrating to make a toddler finish their lunch, which is why you should do it carefully, without unnecessary force or malice. 

Never shame your kids for eating

As previously stated, your relationship with food often stems from unmet emotional needs from childhood. Therefore, if you want your children to be healthy and stable, it’s important to help them build a healthy self-image, including a positive relationship with food. If your kid is slightly overweight, then be sure to find a health cause of such an issue, and help them find healthy treatment. Hiding their fave snacks and shaming them for their looks might actually cause eating disorders and body dysmorphia, so anything you do, make sure to absolutely avoid shaming, mocking, and insults as a way of instilling healthy eating habits.


Your kids deserve to be happy, healthy, and emotionally fulfilled. Teaching them healthy eating habits is a great way to start their journey toward self-love and self-care. But also, be sure to be kind, patient, and encouraging, so they’ll feel happy, motivated, and comfortable.