How to Help Your Child Feel Comfortable About Visiting the Dentist

The Mommies Reviews

Visiting the dentist is something that the majority of people don’t look forward to doing. However, it’s a necessity and it keeps your mouth healthy and your teeth strong. But even knowing that doesn’t make it an enjoyable experience. And that’s just the adults – for kids, it can be a real source of anxiety, stress, and even fear, and once they have a negative experience at the dentist, it can be next to impossible to get them back there.

If this sounds familiar, and getting your child to the dentist is a struggle and very negative experience, there are some things you can do that will help the situation. Here are some effective tips that will help your kids feel more comfortable about visiting the dentist.

Make Sure You Always Have a Positive Attitude

Regardless of what experiences they have had in the past, it’s important you always have a positive attitude as the parent. You want to act normal and not tip toe around the appointment. Instead, speak positively and boost up their confidence by telling them how brave they are. Also, try not to word a visit to the dentist as some sort of punishment.

Get an Early Start with Appointments

It is also encouraged that you start taking them to the dentist as young as possible, as then they don’t have a chance to build up a fear around the dentist. Children can actually start going to the dentist for a check-up at the age of one, and this is encouraged.

Bring a Comfort Item to the Appointment

This tip is especially handy for younger kids who may have a favourite toy, a special blanket, or something else that helps to make them feel calm and secure. There is nothing wrong with bringing that item along to the appointment, as it can help them to feel more at ease.

Look for Dentists Who are Used to Seeing Kids as Patients

The next tip is to make sure you choose a dentist that is used to, and has experience treating younger patients. This doesn’t mean that children have to be their only patients; it just means that the office is used to seeing them and has made adjustments because of this.

If you’re looking for a dentist office that knows exactly how to make children comfortable, this dentist in Brisbane is ideal. Pure Dentistry create a child-friendly environment, with the dentists using the kind of language that kids can understand and won’t find scary. They understand that if they can make a child feel at ease, and distract them from any stress or anxiety they are feeling, the appointment will be a positive experience. Not every dentist in Brisbane can say that, and therefore Pure Dentistry really manages to stand out in this way.

By working on making kids feel more comfortable at the dentist, you will be able to eliminate all that fear and anxiety they have. This means they will see the dentist as a positive experience, and carry this into their adult years.