Summer is the season many look forward to as it brings with it the perfect weather for outdoor fun. There are many events to go out and enjoy with friends and family. However, the hot weather tends to evoke a feeling of lethargy which can interfere with your ability to enjoy all the exciting activities the season brings. However, there are ways you can counter this effect and keep your energy levels up so that you enjoy the season to the max.

Consider Your Caffeine Intake
Do you find it difficult to function without a morning pick-me-up? You’re not alone. Close to 30 percent of Americans need at least two cups of coffee to see them through the day. However, the energy boost caffeine offers is temporary and is followed by a sudden crash. This repercussion is not the only adverse effect you will suffer if you exceed your recommended daily dosage of caffeine.
Overdoing caffeine can lead to anxiety and panic attacks. It can also lead to high blood pressure. Depending on how dependent you are on caffeine, skipping even a cup can lead to headaches and other ‘withdrawal symptoms.’
You can mitigate these effects by gradually reducing caffeine intake or switching to a milder form of
stimulant. If you’re hooked on coffee, you can replace your afternoon cup with tea or fresh fruit juice. You can also go for a decaf coffee or latte.
Work on Time Management
Have you considered that your summer fatigue could be brought on by overcommitting yourself to too many activities? With so many festivities and opportunities to create precious memories with friends and family, the danger that you could stretch yourself beyond what your body can handle is genuine.
You can eliminate this risk by coming up with practical ways to manage your time. Tools such as to-do lists can help you get a clear idea of your engagements and prioritize them to fit into the available time. A time audit can help you eliminate the assumptions and know how much time certain activities take to plan for them better.
Consume the Proper Vitamins
Besides not giving yourself enough time to recover from the activities you engage in, vitamin deficiency could be contributing to the lethargy you feel during summer. Vitamin D, the one you’ve probably heard is derived from sunshine, plays a role in supplying your body with energy. Feeling lethargic is one of the well-known symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Scientists have established that vitamin D helps the mitochondria in cells process oxygen to produce the energy needed in various parts of the body.
However, energy production is not the only reason you need this vitamin. Vitamin D plays a role in helping your body absorb calcium from the food you eat. Calcium is what chiefly keeps your bones healthy. If you get enough vitamin D early in life, you will stand less risk of suffering the symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Getting the right amount of vitamin D may be a challenge, especially during winter when you don’t get as much sunshine as you want. If you’re thinking of getting vitamin D from your meals, you will be limited to some fortified cereals, salmon and other fatty fish or fish oil. Your other alternative is vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D gummies are a great option if you’re prone to forgetting to take your supplement capsule or don’t like swallowing capsules.
Start Your Day Right
A good morning routine can go a long way to helping you maintain high energy levels throughout the day. When you get up, tell yourself something positive or set a goal that you will accomplish by the end of the day. Replace “I have a million things to do, when will the day end” with “I’m thankful to have the opportunity to create something impactful within the next 24 hours.”
A 20-minute run before you get into your routine will also help you go about your day with a bit more zest. If you prefer something milder on the joints, you can do some basic stretching exercises or yoga. Even a few minutes of unhindered meditation can clear your mind and rid you of debilitating fatigue.
Breaking the Cycle of Lethargy
Waking up tired, being unable to shake that tired feeling throughout the day and going to bed in the same state can be pretty frustrating, especially during the time of year when you’re meant to be living your best life. Apply these simple steps one at a time and watch yourself break that dastardly cycle of