How to Have an Organized Desk This Year
To get a clear mind, you need to have a well-arranged desk. When your desk is disorganized, it is difficult for you to become as productive as you hope to. So how do you go about getting a clutter-free desk space? How best can you organize your desk space to make it easy for you to coordinate all your work assignments without mixing things up? Consider personalized wood desk organizer to arrange your go-to items like your phone, keys, notebooks, wrist watch and others, and have other work stuff well organized on your desk with the tips below.
Get a trash can
A trash can is a necessity for any office space. Have one under your desk, and it will come in handy as you declutter your desk. Toss anything that is on your desk, and you do not need it. Notably, when clutter piles up on your desk, you will start getting used to it, and you will allow it to stick around. Therefore, as you aim for a more organized desk this year, begin discarding documents you do not need.
Segment your desk
Although most of your days you spend on your computer. It is still vital you arrange your desk in various segments on your desk for stuff not computer related. Thus, segment your desk and allocate a place for what you are yet to go through, your to-do list batch, papers you should review, among other things. In this way, you will not mix a bunch of different documents around your computer area, causing your desk to look chaotic.
Have a weekly deep clean
Get into the habit of giving your office desk a thorough clean up every week. This will help you deal with trash you missed, reorganize folders that you misplaced, office supplies that are out of place, and also files that have been on your desktop and should not be there. When you do this consistently every week, you will have your desk under control, and you will end up with an organized desk every time.
Tether your cables
If you have a disorganized desk, it is not just what is on your desk, but what is underneath it as well. For instance, a tangle of wires that you can see as you work will create a distraction for you. Therefore, to minimize this distraction, collect your cables together, and use zip ties to neat them in little bundles. After, tuck them away neatly in a way you can see them.
Toss pens you do not use
Is your desk having a lot of pens and pencils that you do not use? It is time to put an effort to toss them away. Since the reason you are not using them is that they are dried up, or somehow they have shown up on your desk whether you took them from a colleague or as they left them on your desk, and they are too many now. Once you get rid of them, pare down to two pens at a time, and you will keep the clutter at a minimum.
Put away office supplies
You may have somewhere you put your office supplies. However, even though you put them away, and you do not organize them. It creates visual clutter. This will distract you, and it is best to keep them out of sight and reach for them when need be. So, choose a spot on your desk drawer, and keep your office supplies. In this way, you know which drawer to get them when you need any of them.
Sort things by importance
As you sort out your desk, ask yourself how often you use everything to know how to arrange them with ease. What you do not use it as much. Sort it in a different place in comparison to items that you use every day. Also, remember to sort your papers daily. Scan, shred or file what is necessary before you head out of the office. Although at first, it will seem like too much. It takes few minutes, and you will get used to this habit of organizing your desk.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates