How to Feel attractive at 60 with Marion Gluck Clini

The Mommies Reviews


At this moment, chances are that you’re likely sighing and thinking to yourself, “Here’s another article suggesting I should dye my hair and exercise, and do I really care about looking attractive anyway?”

Aha! You’re very mistaken.

Why We Should All Be Sexy at 60

I approach the idea of ageing very differently. Essentially, I believe that people should make the most out of what they have. Research indicates that at the age of 60, we are surer about ourselves compared to when we were in our 50s and are more willing to explore new activities and, in most circumstances, enjoy new bonds. 

If you are among the numerous ladies who aren’t thinking in this mind space, you should consider looking at a couple of recommendations from my “how to feel instantly sexy” article guide. At the very least, it will assist you to make new acquaintances, feel healthier, and be more self-confident about yourself.

Here are some recommendations from the read.

Take Up Belly Dancing

If I were given the chance, I would write a whole post about the advantages of belly dancing. As a matter of fact, I could write a whole book about the subject, but allow me to categorically say here that belly dancing will certainly make you feel foxy.

The belly dancing fraternity is super-supportive and the sessions are a huge fun. You will be shocked at the age gaps in these sessions. It’s not meant for the younger folk alone.

I expected that I would spend my time giggling as I jiggle my big out-of-shape belly, but I found it to be too pleasant for any of that. The merits are almost immediate and you will see yourself standing straighter and taller and hold that jiggly belly in from the very first day.

More crucially, you’ll feel spunkier and womanlier. Multiple sessions later and I am a full convert, and my cranky old husband has to go into hiding now when I sway my coin belt at his poor face.

Try a Burlesque Class

Yep, a burlesque session will make you feel more sensual. Burlesque is all about slowly teasing a person. Individuals love it these days since it includes all the classic glamour, and satire, and accentuates the female silhouette – it’s an activity that most women see themselves engaging in and to say the truth, more and more ‘elderly women’ are enrolling in a test session and find themselves really enjoying it.

Burlesque is an Italian phrase for burla, which means joke, which lured me to it. Nevertheless, it’s recommended not to stroll down the street wearing your Basque.

Stand Up Comedy

Don’t worry, I’m still on topic. I got into stand-up comedy a couple of years ago. I was amazed at how well I was accepted, plus men love women who are fun and put a smile on their faces. It boosts self-confidence and is very emboldening when you calm your nerves and go for it.

There are several courses you can undertake on how to do stand up comedy or you can enroll in one online, or you can think of a couple of jokes and through them out there to see how your family and friends will react. Believe me –laughter is the best aphrodisiac.

Acquire a Good Eyebrow Kit & Bush Up Your Eyebrows

Studies indicate that we notice women whose eyebrows are thicker and flatter (not curved) to be more youthful. This is exactly what happened to me. A delightful pretty makeup girl penciled my eyebrows and made them thicker and darker. Considering how my eyebrows migrated to my top lip ages ago, I was elated to see my appearance with eyebrows.

To say the truth, my mom thought I had done Botox after seeing me on TV and couldn’t believe that my eyebrows were the only change.

Change Your Mascara

Another tip I was given by a makeup specialist – only apply purple or blue mascara. For us older ‘gals, black is too heavy, however, purple and blue makes the eyes appear bigger, plus you’ll appear more young-looking.

If you shave off a couple of years and appear younger, you’ll definitely feel good about yourself when you receive compliments. How you feel about yourself directly corresponds to how sexier you feel.

Wear Red Underwear

To reiterate, studies indicate that if you apply color red, you’ll have more self-confidence. You’ll certainly feel like a femme fatale when you wear it on your skin.

Laugh as Much as You Can

Laughter is known to be healthy. However, did you know that when you laugh or smile a lot, you will be seen to be younger?

The list of advantages that laughter comes with is pretty lengthy. Laughter bolsters the immune system by adding the number of antibody-producing T cells, alleviates pain, releases tension, decreases your blog pressure, improves memory, assists people dealing with depression, provides excellent abdominal workout, assists in protecting your heart and can even be the way you meet a friend. A menopause doctor will advise that laughing and positivity will help to get through the unwanted side and after effects of menopause.  Men prefer to be around women who laugh, and another statistic is that women laugh 125% more compared to men.

For most elderly women, feeling sexy isn’t a priority or imperative. But you should remember that we still have to teach the younger generation yet to reach the Big Six-O, so why not show them we can still pull it off and enjoy our golden days feeling sexy?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates