How to Childproof Your Car To Keep Your Loved Ones Safe

The Mommies Reviews

How to Childproof Your Car To Keep Your Loved Ones Safe

Source: Unsplash

Parenthood isn’t just about dealing with new stuff,it’s also about changing how you approach many existing parts of your life. For example, while worrying about car safety is always good, it becomes more important once you’ve got a child in the car. Now you’re not just responsible for your own safety but, theirs as well. 

From the very first moment that you take your baby out of the hospital and make the drive home, you’ll have to consider your baby’s wellbeing every single time you use the car with them. 

In many ways, it’s one of your first tests as a parent.

At that time, going through all the car insurance quotes Texas can offer is important — as a parent, you need the ultimate level of protection to ensure peace of mind. However, getting the right car insurance is far from the only thing you need to do. 

If you want to ensure that the most valuable cargo in the world reaches its destination safely, you’ll need to childproof your car. And luckily, we’ve got a couple of great tips for doing just that!  

Install A Car Seat

Yep, you probably thought of this already but, this still needs to be mentioned.Installing a car seat for your child is the first step to childproofing your car This is something you’ll need from the moment you exit the hospital. In fact, most hospitals will check if you have one before you leave.

Also, car seat recommendations and regulations tend to change on a fairly regular basis, so we recommend buying yours a week or two before the due date. And make sure you do enough research on the regulations in your state.

Once you have it, practice proper installation before the baby arrives so you can do it fairly quickly although, you can always practice without the baby present.  

Generally, infant car seats are the best option before your baby celebrates their first birthday.These seats provide a seamless transition from the stroller to the car. Though you can also find convertible seats that can easily be converted from an infant seat to a harness seat and, later on, to a booster seat. 

Get A Car Seat Monitor

Simply getting a car seat for your child isn’t enough. You need to ensure that your kid is properly strapped in and, more importantly, that they’ll stay that way throughout the ride. 

Luckily, you can find handy car seat monitors precisely for that purpose. It will instantly alert you the moment a strap detaches itself unintentionally or if you haven’t properly connected it to begin with.  

Some monitors have additional features, such as alerts that tell you if you’ve left the baby in the car and got out. 

Put Up A Sun Shade

We all hate getting the sun in our eyes — especially during lengthy car rides. Yet, your baby isn’t likely to have a pair of Ray Bans handy, so you should consider putting a sun shade on the back windows. That way your baby won’t be bothered by the sun.

And that’s not all.A sun shade will result in a darker environment on the back seat, which also means your baby will have more naps while you’re driving. 

Take A Diaper Pad With You

One of the first things you’ll learn as a parent (and usually the hard way) is that your baby doesn’t exactly keep to your schedule when it comes to their bodily functions. And usually, they always happen right in the middle of travel time.

With that in mind, you need to prepare for the process of changing diapers in the car. And if you want the process to go over smoothly and without any messes, there’s really only one way to go:a portable diaper pad. 

It’s sanitary, easy to clean, and an all-around lifesaver. 

Seat Organizer

Regardless of your parenting habits, one thing is certain: you’ll need lots of stuff for your baby. And you’ll need them constantly — things like blankets, toys, wipes, treats, spare clothes, cleanup supplies, and much more. 

Once you leave the house for a long drive or a trip, you’ll have to take all of that with you. And you’ll also need to keep it organized. So, instead of resorting to a huge diaper bag that you’d have to keep digging through, get an organizer you can keep on the back of your seat. That way you’ll have enough pouches for all the toys, snacks, and supplies.

Car Checkups

All of the stuff we’ve noted above won’t matter much if you don’t keep your car in pristine condition, which is crucial if you’re going to drive your baby in it. Yep, proper car maintenance becomes essential once you become a parent, so here are some additional things you should keep an eye on:

  • Tire Maintenance — bald tires are dangerous, especially in cold weather. And they can substantially increase your necessary stopping distance even in perfect road conditions, not to mention the higher chances of a blowout. Make a habit of checking up on your tires regularly and replacing them if need be. 
  • Brakes — faulty brakes are some of the most dangerous issues you could have on your car, which is why regularly changing your brake pads is extremely important. Most manuals say that you should switch them out after 50,000 miles of driving. 
  • Changing Your Oil — check your owner’s manual and see how often you need to change your oil. Keeping your engine sufficiently lubricated means it’ll run better, and it won’t disappoint you during long rides or at crucial moments. 
  • Checking Your Lights — if you want to avoid accidents, you need to ensure that others can avoid you as well. With that in mind, always keep all of your lights in working condition to ensure everyone can clearly spot you on the road. 
  • Battery Check — once your car battery is out of commission, the car is nothing more than a hunk of metal. If you want to avoid the hassle of arranging a tow with a baby present, check your battery from time to time. 
  • Tubes, Belts, and Fluids — You should check other things to ensure your car is running properly, like fluids, tubes, and belts. If you don’t want an inefficient vehicle, check all of these things regularly.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates