How to Boost your Furkid’s Happiness & Health

Imagine having a travel obligation and you can’t take your furkid with you or the fact that you must work 40+ hours a week to support your pet’s best life. What do you do with your bff while you’re away? How does stress and separation anxiety affect my furkid’s health and overall lifespan? Just as important, how to reduce the stress when you can’t be home? Now that these factors have been brought to your attention let’s discuss how to boost your pet’s happiness and health.
Tip #1 There’s literally no place like home.
Your pet’s anxiety isn’t only triggered by separation from you but also by the separation of the comfort of her or his home. Hire a professional in-home pet sitter and leave your pet safe at home surrounded by the smell of you, his/her comfy bed and toys. I promise this will significantly reduce their anxiety and yours. Especially for senior pets, familiarity is key. Bonus, hiring a pro also protects your home from potential break-ins. Constant activity at your home can deter criminals from potential break-ins. Most businesses like NOLAs Finest Pet Care llc will bring in your mail & packages, just inquire about their home services.
Tip #2 How to find suitable in-home pet care?
If you want someone that’s responsible and will care/love your pet as much as you do, always go with a professional not a hobbyist, neighbor or your 16yr old niece. With a quick Google search, you’ll be able to find all the local in-home pet care businesses in your area. After going through reviews/ referrals, set up your in-home consult so your furkid can meet their new bestie when you’re away.
Tip#3 Consistency is life
Furkids need consistency as much as they need to breathe, so making sure you keep the same sitter in their life is a huge must. I highly recommend small businesses for this because they typically don’t have a ton of people working for them, which helps avoid bad surprises while you’re away. If you can get the owner to personally spend time with your furkid, that’s even better.
Tip#4 Not just for adventurous travelers
If you were lucky enough to work from home during this pandemic, more than likely your furkid became your shadow and you enjoyed each other’s company. But when your boss calls to tell you it’s safe to go back to the office, the sudden change will have your pet in a panic, especially when they have to potty. Having a reliable pet lover pro coming in during the afternoons will make your life so much easier. Imagine coming home from a long annoying day at work and your furkid is calm, already ate, litter box is clean, etc. All you need to do is snap off that uncomfortable bra and relax with your furry bff and a glass of wine. Almost as good as a vacay huh?!
Tip#5 Don’t wait till you need a pro to inquire
Multiple obligations will come up in your life that aren’t pet-friendly, so it’s best to have a pro that you can call when something comes up. Don’t be afraid to book a consultation even if you don’t have any upcoming plans. Make sure to keep in touch as well. Most businesses will make room on their schedule if they know you and your pet. Otherwise, you may risk everyone being booked, especially during peak seasons like the holidays.
Tip #6 What’s in your pet’s treats?
If you can’t pronounce the ingredients in your furkid’s treats or don’t know what the ingredients are, that’s a huge red flag. Those treats may be low-key, declining your pet’s health. I highly recommend locally-made gourmet treats. Most local pet businesses like NOLA’s Finest Pet Care make their treats in-house from scratch like peanut butter, blueberry cookies, pupsicles, and more. All made with real human grade food, no salt or sugar. Not only do pets love the flavors, but the natural vitamins have a huge positive impact on their overall health. You’ll love the option of delivery or curbside options. Always consult with your veterinarian for food allergies.
Now you have the tools to help your furkid live his/her best life longer!
Written by: Twila McGee
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Check out our Review at: Nola’s Finest Pet Care
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates