How Reducing Clutter Can Be Beneficial

The Mommies Reviews


With the average American household hoarding around 300,000 items, the standard housing sizes may not have enough space to store all your belongings. Though median U.S. homes measure approximately 2,014 square feet, it varies significantly from state to state. Suppose you live in Missouri, which ranks 12th in states with the smallest homes. Homeowners here often face the challenge of efficiently utilizing their living space, as the average house measures around 1,848 square feet. 

The compact homes in Missouri can make it easier to spot clutter and give your home a messy appearance. You may need to let go of a few items and embrace minimalism to create a neater and comfortable space. This process is known as decluttering, and here’s why you should embrace it.  

How to declutter? 

78% of Americans have no idea what to do with their clutter despite being overwhelmed by it. However, decluttering is a reasonably straightforward procedure that everyone can do. Here are a few decluttering strategies you can consider:

  • Remove five items you haven’t used for a while from every room. 
  • Participate in Project 333 by only wearing 33 articles of clothing for the following three months to prevent buying extra outfits you don’t need.
  • Discard clothing that doesn’t fit you anymore.
  • Sort items into piles that you’ll either donate, sell, or toss.

However, you can also consider renting storage if you have belongings cluttering your space but don’t want to discard them. These facilities can offer additional security for priceless items you may feel unsafe storing at home, especially if you live in areas like St. Joseph, which has a crime rate of 50 for every 1,000 residents. These storages offer protection for valuable items like antiques or artwork. 

But how do you find a reliable storage service? Look up the keyword self storage St. Joseph MO, and you’ll get a list of reliable storage facilities. Compare how the units vary in terms of cost, size, and amenities. The unit size will depend on the items you plan to store. For example, a 5’x5′ locker can fit around two to three boxes containing multiple items.

Once you start decluttering, you’ll see a significantly positive change in your home environment and make you feel better about your home. It is more than just cleaning up junk; it’s a way of life with a load of benefits. Some of these include the following: 

Reduce daily household chores 

Decluttering can reduce the amount of daily chores by 40% in an average American household. It simplifies your cleaning routine as you don’t have to move around items scattered across the floor to mop or dust the room. Wiping surfaces like dressing tables or kitchen counters becomes more manageable and quicker because you don’t have to pick up and organize items simultaneously. 

Decluttering your space also keeps you from getting overwhelmed by the mess and motivates you to keep your surroundings clean. It’s not just a once-in-a-blue-moon process but a lifestyle. The best way to make your house neater and more comfortable is by constantly clearing clutter. The more you gather, the more time it takes to clear it out. So, instead of accumulating a year’s worth of junk and spending months clearing it out, why not declutter bit by bit daily and save yourself the hassle? 

Provides mental peace

The more clutter in your surroundings, the more stressed you’ll feel. According to various studies, a messy environment harms your emotional well-being and can cause anxiety and depression. However, clutter and your mental health impact each other more than you think. Sometimes, your messy surroundings can cause you to feel depressed; sometimes, it’s the opposite. You may feel too drained to tidy your surroundings. On the other hand, it’s your chaotic environment that is contributing to your lack of energy. The impact goes both ways, creating an endless loop of negativity. 

Yet, you can break out of this vicious cycle by decluttering. It may be challenging, but it’s not impossible. If you are struggling with your mental health but want to take a positive step in cleansing your environment, here’s what you can do: 

  • Don’t put pressure on yourself to declutter your whole home overnight. Start slow, and accept that this will be a slow process.
  • Tackle one project each day, and don’t overburden yourself. You can organize your side table, call it a day, and set your closet tomorrow. 
  • Change one habit that leads to a messy room. Suppose you always leave your makeup scattered on the dressing table after getting ready for work. To prevent a mess, you can try putting these items in a makeup bag before leaving. 

One small change can lead to a load of progress. A clean space will make your mind feel clearer and help you relax. The process itself can give your mind something to focus on and distract you from negative thoughts. 

Improve self-esteem 

A messy house can lead to a social phenomenon known as home shame, which makes you feel embarrassed about inviting people over because you’re sorry about the state of your home. This fear of judgment affects 61% of U.S. adults who admit they don’t invite friends or family to their place because they’ll feel humiliated by the mess. 

If you experience a similar type of dread at the thought of inviting people over, decluttering your home can help you feel more comfortable with others entering your home. You can tidy up and eliminate the junk, creating a neat space that gives a good impression. By cleaning your home and turning it into a clutter-free space, you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride that helps improve your mood and confidence. 

Increases productivity 

Keeping your surroundings clean, especially your workplace, can significantly improve productivity. An Arizona University study concluded that working in a tidy environment helps you do your work quicker and better by 15% compared to those who work in a messy environment. 

Another study emphasized the importance of decluttering by reporting that clutter causes too many distractions, making it challenging to allocate time to specific jobs. However, clearing the junk from your desk can eliminate distractions and help you focus entirely on your tasks. 


Besides creating a visually appealing and comfortable space, decluttering is also good for your mind and body. The cleanliness of your area reflects the clarity of your mind, and it shapes your sense of self. It teaches you to release old items and helps you move forward. This article has many benefits of decluttering, yet they all share recurring themes: growth, wellness, and positivity.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates