How long does it take to get divorced

The Mommies Reviews

Everything You Should Know About A Divorce Timeline


When you say ‘’yes’’, you think that you will stay with the same person forever. For better or worse, you plan your future together. Like they say “in sickness and in health, you put up with them. You have to take care of them. You plan children, what your dream house would like and everything else. However, things can quickly change. Unplanned situations may happen. Whether you like it or not, something has changed between you and your partner. You can’t really work like you used to.

The only thing you can do is get divorced. Couples can’t get divorced fast enough. So, they search for ways to do it. Sometimes, these procedures can be quite nasty and frustrating. People can get hurt badly. The process usually lasts from 20 to 22 weeks. There are some companies that offer getting it done in 12 weeks. So, there are ways do to it. Sometimes, couples try to file for an annulment. Before starting this tiresome procedure, you do some research. Consult an attorney for helpful information. You could find out about the cost of the whole thing here


The first thing you should know about this is that there is one requirement. You have to be married for a whole year. That’s the minimum period. This is the tricky part. If you’re newlyweds and want to annul your marriage, you have to stay married. You could write a petition. It could be ready to be sent to court. But you will have to send it on the date a year far apart from your marriage. It could be tough for someone to wait it out.  


Children and Finances


This can be the hardest issue. It could also make it last longer. It’s best if you could do it beforehand. Pairs should discuss this amongst themselves. But things don’t work that way. Sometimes, they don’t speak to each other, and the court has a difficult decision to make. They have to decide who will take care of the children. The financial part is also hard. You have to make a list of everything.

File a Petition

When starting this, you want to know how long does it take to get divorced. The truth is it can take longer. Each partner files a separate petition. You have to submit it to court. If you’re having trouble understanding some of it, consult your lawyer. They will explain everything you need to know. If you aren’t on speaking terms with your partner, the court will send it to them. You don’t have to get into any sort of communication with them. This could take up to 6 weeks, more or less.

Emotional Stability

The most important thing when filing for divorce is to be emotionally ready. You have to know that there’re harsh times ahead of you. Everything’s going to change. It could change your whole personality. It’s been proven that the more prepared couples are the quicker the process. There seems to be some sort of agreement between them. They want it to be over quicker. You should have complete control over your emotions. Think about the final result. Try not to get too

Decree Nisi

This link could help you decide if you really need to get a divorce in the first place. This is a professional term meaning when the exact date when the marriage should end. This is announced by the court. However, the whole thing depends on the judge. The procedure can last for 8 weeks approximately. After this, you immediately get to sign the consent order. It makes your whole divorce legally binding. That way, you will you can start fresh. The final application is Decree Absolute.

Final Stage

Everyone is anxious to see this stage. People can’t wait for this to happen. When you receive the Decree Absolute, you know that you’re done with the court. You can rest comfortably and know that your troubles are left behind you. After you receive the certificate, you can remarry. You can do this anytime you want. You can choose a new partner. With them, you can start a whole new life.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates