Hot Seat The Game That’s All About You

David is supposed to be off on Wednesday and not that we don’t have a car we can’t go anywhere. Instead of sitting in front of the TV all day I’m going to host a #familygamenight and once of the games I received which we will be playing is Hot Seat The Game That’s all About You. Would you want to join us for our #gamenight?

Hot Seat is a card game that is going to create loads of new memories for people 10+. you draw card and everyone answers the question and try to figure out which answer the person in the hot seat gave. Questions like what is the first thing I Id’ do if I won the lottery or if I purchased my own Island what would I name it.

If I was still Homeschooling Charlie I would use the questions on the cards as part of Charlie’s Homeschool Creative Writing Class or for me personally for journaling allowing me to get to know myself better and I would ask the questions to David and Charlie to get us all talking and off of our electronics.

I have a question for you: What job would you be absolutely horrible at and why? Come one what would it be and why? For me I couldn’t play Sports because I can’t run and my knees wouldn’t hold up to the contact. Charlie says he would be horrible at customer service because he doesn’t like to be around people or to talk to them.

Step 1: Draw

: The player in the Hot Seat draws 3 cards.
Play one. Give one. Ditch one

Step 2: Question

Step 3: Answer:

Everyone answers the question pretending to be the player in the Hot Seat. The player in the Hot Seat reads the question they choose to play out loud.

Step: 4. Read

The player in the Hot Seat reads off all the answers.

Step: 5 Guess

Each player guesses which answer they think was submitted by the player in the Hot Seat

Step: 6. Reveal

The player in the Hot Seat reveals their response and points are awarded.

About the Game: The Party Game That’s All About You

Find out who your friends are – Hear the stories they were hoping everyone forgot

Discover who knows you best – All players answer pretending to be you when you’re in the Hot Seat

Play again and again – Answers change depending on the friends you’re playing with

  • SUPER FUN FAMILY GAME: Hot Seat is about to become your new favorite game for family game night! Its a hilarious and thought provoking family card game all about YOU, your family, your friends, and discovering who knows each other best.
  • SIMPLE GAMEPLAY: In each round, players take it in turns being in the Hot Seat where they draw a card and ask a question. E.g. I purchased my own island, what would I name it? All players must anonymously answer the question pretending to be the player in the Hot Seat. The answers are then read aloud, and everyone guesses which response was written by the player in the Hot Seat.
  • PERFECT FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY: but want to play a family friendly game. With example questions like If I couldn’t live in the city I live in now, what city would I live in? What is my song at the Karaoke bar? What can I never get enough of? – its super fun for all ages. up.
  • Perfect idea for: White Elephant and Secret Santa gift exchange! Our games make great Stocking Stuffers and family gifts for Christmas!
  • 200 Questions | 3+ Players | Ages 10+

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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