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God morning, I would like to share a new Board Game I would like to get Charlie to use when we #HomeschoolwithBoardGames: Monopoly Game: At Home Reality Edition Family Board Game for 2 to 6 Players, Ages 8 and Up. Would you like to join us for Game Night? I will provide the snacks and beverages.

Make the most of being stuck at home with Monopoly At Home Reality game. This family board game celebrates the new way of living. Board spaces are rooms in the house — the bedroom is the office, the living room is the movie theater, and the kitchen is the school.
The gameplay is similar to the standard Monopoly board game but with humorous differences. Tokens can’t share a space because of social distancing, and players will want to watch out for the screaming child because they’ll have to pay to entertain the kid.
Have fun passing the time with the family board game Monopoly At Home Reality game.

© 1935, 2021 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
- CELEBRATE THE NEW WAY OF LIVING: This version of the Monopoly game makes the most of life at home with Social Distancing and missed activities like visiting a Movie Theater, Yoga Studio, and more
- HILARIOUS TOKENS: This Monopoly At Home Reality board game includes 6 Monopoly tokens, each with a fun, humorous twist relating to the theme of the game
- UPDATED UTILITIES AND HOME-THEMED BOARD SPACES: In this family board game, WiFi and Video Streaming are necessary Utilities, and board spaces are places in the home, such as the kitchen turned school
- AVOID THE SCREAMING CHILD: When a player moves their token, they also move the screaming child; if the tokens land on the same space, the player must pay to entertain the screaming child
- FUN FAMILY GAME: The Monopoly At Home Reality board game makes a fun activity for adults and kids ages 8 and up; the game is designed for 2 to 6 players
Reading Class:
Ask the individual’s who will be playing to sit down at the table. Set the Board Game up and as you do ask the student to read the instructions to the players.
Ask the students questions to make sure they understand what is going to happen.
Let them ask you questions to make sure you understand what is going to happen.
Have the students make Notes in your Reading Journal of things you want to remember about the game.
Include who played the Game and who won were they a good winner or not? Who lost were they a good loser or not?
Spelling Class:
Hasbro Games, Monopoly At Home Reality game, Covid-19, Pandemic, Celebrate the new way of living, Social Distancing, Activities, Movie Theater, Yoga Studio, Utilities, Home-Themed Board Spaces, Home, Kitchen, School, Family-Fun Time, Winning, Losing, Tokens, Money, Banker, Drawing
On Monday in your Spelling Journal write down your Spelling words in ABC order.
Tuesday write your spelling words in your Spelling Journal and include a definition for the words.
Use the Spelling words in a story in your Reading Journal and include a illustration for the picture. Or write the words in sentences in your journal.
Math Class:
Count the Game pieces including the Money then create 5 Math problems using the number you came up with for someone in the Game to work out.
Then have them create 5 Math problems using the number you came up with for you to work out.
Write the Math problems inside your Math Journal.
Drama Class:
Act out a Scene that happened in the Game and explain what your Acting out and why.
Write the explanation inside your Drama Journal.
Art Class:
Create a piece of Art based on something in the Game and include a definition of what you drew and why inside your Art Journal.
Music Class:
Create a Song/ Jingle based on the Game that could be used in a Commericial.
Write the Song/Jingle inside your Music Journal after you perform the song for your parents.
Cooking Class:
Create a Snack based on the Game showing what people might be eating during the Pandemic. Serve the Snack during the Game.
Inside your Cooking Journal include the Recipe to the snack. At the end of the year your Cooking Journal will be turned into a Cookbook.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates