This week in Homeschool for our series on HomeschoolwithBoardGames: The Entrepreneur Game from is the Game I have choose for us to play.

I picked out this Game because like all children Charlie’s age he had no, motivation. He wants everything handed to him on a silver platter. I’m done. David might not be but I am.
I helped Charlie start how own Lawn Mowing business last year and he let it got to heck in a hand basket. He has one client left and his grandmothers yard and he doesn’t do either of them right.
Until he learns money doesn’t grow on a Tree he will not get anything from me. Which is why I want to have Charlie play The Entrepreneur Game this week.
I ope this will motivate Charlie to get out of bed and off the Game and do something to not only help himself but others. If not then he will be stuck doing nothing at all this Summer.

Product Description:
Our world has changed. School education has changed. Learning has changed. The way we access knowledge has changed. For you, your children and your teens to have the best shot at success in today’s world, we all need a new way of learning the skills it will take to excel.
That is why The Entrepreneur Game was created. New technologies, STEM-based curriculum, and new exciting fields of endeavor mean that we need a new generation of innovators and business creators.
The knowledge and vision that are critical to creating the change our world needs are locked up in you and your family. The Entrepreneur Game is a fun, educational, and interactive way to learn and practices the skills it takes to make money in this new world and to help move it forward.
Your children think differently than your generation and have access to technologies and information beyond what we had. However, because of technology, our national math and reading comprehension skills are falling, our communication skills beyond social media are lacking, and our critical thinking and decision-making skills are suffering.
The Entrepreneur Game is one of the few games on the market that addresses each of these issues and improves the overall skill level of its players. This is why The Entrepreneur Game is the world’s First and Only STEM Accredited entrepreneur board game.
The Entrepreneur Game has sold in nine countries around the world. School systems have purchased it on the East and West Coast and many schools in the Mid-West.
Home School parents and co-ops are buying this game across the U.S. This game did a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and reached its budget in less than five hours.
We have endorsements from educators, celebrities, and regular people around the world. I know a few people on Amazon have given it a 1-star rating, but that does not reflect the importance and value of this game.
PLAYERS UTILIZE LIFE SKILLS NEEDED FOR SUCCESS – Math Critical Thinking Decision-Making Budgeting Investing Branding Negotiating Marketing Partnership and a host of other 21st Century skills and concepts to survive and acquire money in this New World TRANSFORMS CLASSROOMS AND HOMES INTO INCREDIBLE PLACES OF LEARNING.
Your children will have fun and want to play this board game every day – Your kids choose their own businesses- Each player sets their unique vision for expansion all over the world PARENTS AND KIDS LEARN TOGETHER –
Ages 12 and up – created so 12 year olds can understand and excel – Classic game feel like Monopoly and Life – Top notch education on real entrepreneurship.
Get ready to choose your dream business adventure PERFECT FOR GAME NIGHT FOR TEENS AND ADULTS – This game is a blast -You are never too old to follow your dreams – Essential for people who wanted to achieve great things they set for themselves and let go of .
Rise to the challenge and use your gifts GUARANTEED TO WORK – If you or you children have entrepreneurial aspirations this game taps into that and helps vision come alive – This game is not for everyone – Its only for people who want more than the status quo for their kids and themselves

Losses, Wild Cards, Start, Trump Cards, Marketing Cards, The Entrepreneur Game, Pay Day, Day Off, Question, New Reveal, Double, Finish, Family Game Night, Money, Bank, Business Decisions, Occupation, Employment, Jobs
Read the instructions and set the game up. Go over each of the Game Pieces with the players while asking questions to make sure they understand.
Then let the players ask the questions back to you to make sure you comprehended what you read.
Art Class:
Draw a picture of the job you created and of one of the players. Make sure you write a description of both jobs and include 2 facts about the jobs that are the same and two reasons they are different.
Drama Class:
Act out a day at your place of Employment and what you would be doing. Show one problem that might happen and how you would handle the problem.
Music Class:
Write a jingle for a Commercial of your business and include a song. Then sing the song for your parents.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates