The other day David and I went into Targets. While there I found a new addition for our #HomeschoolWithBoardGames: Ravensburger JAWS Game. Ravensburger JAWS Game could even be used for #SharkWeek which was July 11th.

As I had said earlier in another post @Target carries games you might not find anywhere else and they put there Games on Clearance a lot and that is how I found Jaws.
With me purchasing Games throughout the year I can add this to the Christmas Closet for Charlie and during the Holidays we will have a new Game to play or we can use it when we study Sharks.

Experience JAWS as a suspenseful tabletop strategy game! One player menaces the island of Amity as the three-ton Great White while the other players go on the hunt as Brody, Hooper, and Quint. Two thrilling phases of gameplay-Act 1: Amity Island and Act 2: The Orca-capture the edge-of your-seat excitement of the classic film.
- Hunt down the killer Shark terrorizing Amity Island. Then battle it out on the Orca.
- Innovative double-sided game board that presents two-phases to game play
- Nostalgic illustrations capture memorable characters and scenes from the classic Jaws film
- Asymmetric game play allows players to either play as the Shark, or play cooperatively as Brody, Hooper, and Quint
Reading Class:
Ask the individuals who are waiting to play Jaws to sit down at the table. Set the Board Game up. Once you finish read the Rules/Instructions to the players. Once you finis rreading the instructions ask them questions to make sure they understand what is going to happen and why. Then let them ask you questions to make sure you understand what is going to happen and why.
Spelling Class:
Ravensburger JAWS Game, A Game of Strategy and Suspense, Players, Minutes, Experience Jaws s a suspenseful tabletop strategy game, menaces, Island, Amity, Three-Ton, Great White, Hunt, Brody, Hooper, Quint, Thrilling Phrases, Gameplay, Edge-Of-Your-Seat Excitement, Classic Film, Amity Island, Shark, Prowls, Secretly, Waters Swimmers, Capture, The Orca
Write the Spelling Words inside your Spelling Journal. Include a definition for each word.
Math Class:
Count the Game pieces and once you have the answer share it with the players. Ask one of them to use the number to create 5 Math problems for you to work out. Create 5 Math problems for them to work out.
Write the Math problems inside your Math Notebook.
Art Class:
Create a piece of Art based on something that happened in the Game. Include a description of what you drew which you will write inside your Art Journal.
Drama Class:
Act out a scene that happened in the Game. Write a description of what you acted out inside your Drama Journal. Describe how what you acted out happened or didn’t happen in the Movie or a book you read based on Jaws.
Music Class:
Create a Song or Jingle about the Game that could be used in a Commercial. Act out the Song or Jingle for the Game players.
Write the Song/Jingle inside your Music Journal.
Cooking Class:
Create a Snack that a Shark or someone in the Game might eat. Then write a description in your Music Journl and what you made that Snack.
Write the Song inside your Music/ Journal.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates