Good morning, Charlie is so excited this morning to share with you our #HomeschoolWithBoardGames: Dog Bingo because my mom LOVED Bingo. Do you?

My family loves Dogs which is why were excited to play Dog Bingo this week. Leading us to a new Unit Study on Puppies/ Dogs because I would like to get a puppy for myself. I know Charlie will want to help take care of my puppy.
Dog Bingo Game
This beautifully illustrated bingo game features 64 breeds of dog from around the world. Spot all kinds of dogs – from the tiny Chihuahua to the Noble Great Dane, from the sleek Saluki to the dreadlocked Hungarian Puli, mark them off on your card and bingo!
Dog Bingo brings a fun and educational twist to the traditional game as players learn the names and coloring of both their favorite breeds and weird and wonderful exotic dogs.
Contains 64 superbly illustrated dog tokens, one board, 12 bingo cards, and brightly coloured counters for you to mark up your card, as well as a leaflet containing basic information and a few quirky traits for all of the dogs featured.
Spelling Class:
Dog Bingo, Briard Weimaraner, Beagle, Dachshund, Golden Retriever, Pug, Whippet, Yorkshire Terrier, Polly Horner, Lawrence King, Siberian Husky, Afghan Hound, Dalmation, Beautifully, Illustrated, Bingo Game, Breeds, World, Identify, Chihuahua, Great Dane, Sleek, Slender, Saluki, Hungarian Puli, Educational, Traditional, Characteristics, Favorite, Unfamiliar Breeds, Border Collie, Bloodhound, Welsh Corgi, Pembroke, Toy Poodle, Afeenpinscher, Bulldog, Airdale Terrier. Board Game, Family Fun
Reading Class:
Set the Bingo Game up and get the instructions out. Then ask the players to sit down. Read the instructions to the players. Then ask them questions to make sure they understand what is going to happen in Dog Bingo. Then have them ask you questions to make sure you understand what is going to happen and why.
Math Class:
Count the Game pieces. Then create 5 math problems for someone in your home to figure out. Then have them create 5 math problems for you to complete.
Drama Class:
Act out a scene that happened in the Game and explain what your acting out and why.
Art Class:
Pick a card from the Game and illustrate what happened on the card and why it happened. Include a description in your Art Journal.
Music Class:
Create a Song or Jingle that explains the game and could be used in a commercial. Then perform the song before you begin playing the game
Cooking Class:
Create a Snack that could be served while playing Dog Bingo and the Sky’s the limit. Don’t forget to write the Recipe down in your Cooking Journal.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates