David used to say I was obsessed with the Dollar Tree only now he thinks it’s Ollie’s which is at the end of my street. I’m always asking to go up there to walk around. All though more times than not I find something I just can’t live without. From decorations to books for me to read. Or schoolbooks and snacks for Charlie.

This week while walking around I found Summer Bridge Activities Bridging Grades 5-6 and Summer Bridge Activates Bridging Grades 7 to 8. I would like to let you know these books were much cheaper here than other stores. Not only that they have Discovery Kits Charlie, and I can use in our Science Class as well as Gardening Supplies, Arts & Crafts with Cooking Utensils and School Supplies. Which makes shopping for Homeschool a breeze.
Summer Bridge Activities Bridging Grades 5-6

School Stops for Summer. . . Learning Never Should!
Prevent summer learning loss with our award winning, best-selling summer learning series! Summer Bridge Activities: Bridging Grades Fifth to Sixth reinforces essential skills across the curriculum and helps prepare children for sixth grade. With 12 weeks worth of activities, completing Summer Bridge ActivitiesTM is the perfect way to keep skills sharp all summer long!
* Reading Comprehension
* Grammar
* Multiplication and Division
* Fractions
* Social Studies
* Character Development
* Easy Science Experiments
* Fitness Activities
* Outdoor Extension Activities
* Answer Key
Summer Bridge Activities® Spanish Workbook, bridging grade 7 to 8 in just 15 minutes a day, reading, writing, math, science, social studies, summer learning activity book with Spanish flash cards

Exercise book in Spanish to consolidate knowledge from 7th to 8th grade for children ages 12 and 13
Avoid summer learning loss and prepare your seventh-grader, Spanish-speaking child to succeed when they return to school in just 15 minutes a day, with engaging activities, exercises, and fun games – all in one Spanish workbook!
The Summer Bridge Activities Workbook in Spanish for 7th and 8th Graders is an excellent
How your seventh-grader can learn essential Spanish reading, writing, math, science, and social studies skills that are fun AND educational.
Why you’ll love this book in Spanish
- Engaging and educational activities for 7th and 8th graders. “Putting words together,” “finding the volume of objects,” and hands-on “science experiments” are some of the fun activities in this exercise book for 7th graders that help boost learning in your child’s seventh-eighth grade curriculum.
- Teamwork. Spanish instructions and classes help Spanish speakers work with your child; they include English translations of parenthetical vocabulary where appropriate in activities that help students learn concepts in English. Activities related to learning English are written in English and include instruction in Spanish.
- Proof of progress along the way. Track your seventh grader’s progress before he or she moves on to new and exciting classes with the skills matrix and answer the guide on the back of the 7th grade workbook.
- Practical size for each activity. The 160-page Spanish workbook for kids is measured in a practical way (about 8 inches x 10.5 inches), giving your seventh-grader plenty of room to complete the exercises on each sheet.About Summer Bridge ActivitiesThe award-winning book Summer Bridge Activities® fosters children’s creativity and learning potential and keeps them mentally and physically active to prevent summer learning loss and pave the way for a successful new school year.The Spanish workbook includes the following:
- More than 60 days of activities and step-by-step instructions in Spanish
- Flashcards, stickers, and a certificate of completion
- A perfect size of 8″ x 10 <>/<>” to take your child’s learning anywhere
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates