In our Homeschool series for #HomeschoolWithBoardGame: The Archie Comics Board Game – Running ‘Round Riverdale is a Game I picked up for Charlie.

Before I share our lesson plans with you The Archie Comics Board Game is a Game I picked up at Toys R Us before they closed. David used to read Archie comics with his brothers. Did you read these comics as well? If so did you like the comics? Who was your favorite character and why?

Product description
Running Round Riverdale has everyone playing their favorite character from the Archie comics. The dismissal bell has rung at Riverdale High, and players try to outwit each other as they race to be the first to reach Pop Tate’s Chocolate Shoppe.
The action never stops as players double-cross one another in their race to win. Players will slide across town on their skateboards, swap positions with other players and cause utter chaos when they play their “Dirty Trick”. Get ready for some grumbling and good times as you go running ’round Riverdale.

Reading Class:
Set the Board Game up and read the instructions to the people waiting to play the Game. Ask the players questions about the Game to make sure they understand what is going to happen. Let them ask you questions to make sure you understand what is going to happen and why.
Check your local library to see if they have Archie Comics to read this week. Or find Archie Comics online and chose 3 comics to read. Compare how they are they same and find 3 differences. Write your answers in your Reading Journal.
Write notes inside your Journal of things your going to want to go back over throughout the year. Include who played the Game. Who won and who lost. Were they good winners and losers?
Riverdale, Archie, Gang, Pop Tate, Shakes, Betty, Park, Veronica, Beach, Runs, School, Character, Comic Books, Dismissal Bell, Chocolate Shoppe, Double Cross, Slide, Town, Skateboards, Swap, Chaos, Dirty Trick, grumbling
Write the Spelling Words inside your Spelling Journal and include a definition for each word.
Art Class:
Draw a picture showcasing one of the characters and the place he comes from to get his Free Shake,. Include a Explanation telling what the character was doing.
Discussion Questions:
1.Which City were Archie Comic books created in?
2. How many characters are there?
3. What year did they begin the Comic Books?
4. Who were the creators?
5. Where did they first appear?
Math Class:
Count the Game pieces inside the Game. When you finish share the answer with the players.
Create 5 Math problems using the number of pieces in the Game and ask one of the players to work out the problems. Then let them create 5 Math problems for you to work out.
How many characters? Subtract the two and show your work. How many times did it take you to get around the board? How long did it take to play the Game? How many minutes, seconds and hours was this. Add them together and show your work.
Write your answers inside your Math Journal.
Cooking Class:
For dinner create a meal you might find in Pop Tate Dinner. For our family were making Hamburgers, Fries and Chocolate Shakes for those who want one. I’m having a Hot Fudge Sundae.
Write the Recipes inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.
Drama Class: Read the cards inside the Game and act out one or two things the cards says for your parents.
Write the Explanation inside your Drama Journal.
Music Class:
Create a Song/Jingle that could be used in a Commercial. Then perform the song for your friends and family.
Write the Song/ Jingle inside your Music Journal.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates