Welcome to this weeks Homeschooling Free Topics of the Week for July 7 – 13. If you have used the resources I shared with you let me know what you liked about them or didn’t like.
I hope you’re having a great July 4th Weekend! Be safe, have fun, and keep learning!
The History of Electricity and Magnetism

What do Ben Franklin, Phillis Wheatley, and Patrick Henry have in common? Well, if you had looked at a newspaper in 1776, these are just a few of the people you might have read about. Check out this Topic to see who else made the print!
The International Space Station

It took decades to plan the International Space Station (ISS). It was like building a race car as it zoomed around the track, because the station orbits Earth once every 90 minutes. As each new section was brought up they had to be sure not to upset the station’s orbit.

Present-Day Reminders of the Incas

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates