FIRED UP TO LEARN & to teach! I am a teacher at home and in the community!����Learning is beyond books and dirty looks!
I am an independent consultant for Randstad. I am a marketing assistant for K12 Inc. I am a homeschool teacher to three children. I am a blogger. I am a writer. I am a boy scout leader. I am a cub scout leader. I am a girl scout leader. I am basically out to change the world with my heart!

I specialize in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), and children’s mental health. I believe that ALL children can learn and that it is up to us to discover ways to connect the child to the lessons. My goal with all of my writings is to promote positive, integrated learning experiences and positive childhood mental health practices on Stem Powered Family
Kristi Hart Classically Quirky Learning

I write about homeschooling from the perspective of a special needs mom. As a former early education teacher, I also do a lot of preschool posts.

I am a former teacher now homeschooling. I specialize in creative teaching ideas- mostly hands-on stuff and educational printables.