Did you know March was designated Women’s History Month by Presidential proclamation. March is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history.

I’m working on Unit Studies or Lesson Plans for Charlie. I wanted to ask if there is any women you think we should study for Women’s History Month?
Discussion Questions:
Can you tell us what Women’s History Month started as?
Which State/ Country did Women’s History Month start in?
What year did Women’s History begin?
Can you tell me what March 8th represents in History in regards to women?
Which President issued the first Presidential Proclamation declaring National Women’s History Week and which week?
Field Trip visit: National Women’s Hall Of Fame
Additional Resources:
Women’s History Month: 6 Lesson Plan Resources for Teachers
Women’s History Month: A Collection of Teaching Resources
Creative Writing:
Research and find one women in History and complete a 300 word report. Include Illustrations using different Art Mediums.
For Drama Club read the report out loud to your Parents and set up a Art Show featuring your Illustrations.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates