This week in our Homeschool Music Class I would like to share our newest Homeschool Resource: Tupac. Which we will be studying in Music and also in our other classes this year. As well as watching Tupac in a movie Charlie has chosen. Before you say wasn’t he a Gangster and his songs aren’t appropriate for children. Which is true but I monitor what Charlie watches so I don’t feel bad letting Charlie listen to his Music as we can always ask for clean versions of his songs. If you want to see how this happens come join us in our Music Class.

Tupac Amaru Shakur (/ˈtuːpɑːk ʃəˈkʊər/TOO-pahk shə-KOOR; born Lesane Parish Crooks, June 16, 1971 – September 13, 1996), also known as 2Pac and Makaveli, was an American rapper. He is widely considered one of the most influential rappers of all time.[1][2] Shakur is among the best-selling music artists, having sold more than 75 million records worldwide. Much of Shakur’s music has been noted for addressing contemporary social issues that plagued inner cities, and he is considered a symbol of activism against inequality.

Tupac Amaru Shakur, born, Lesane Parish Crooks, 2Pac, Makaveli, American Rapper, Influential, Best-Selling Music Artists, Movies, Contemporary Social Issues, activism against inequality, Inner Cities, New York City, Political Activists, Black Panther Party Members, West Coast Hip Hop. 2Pacalypse, Incarceration, Death Row Records, Marion “Suge’ Knights, East Coast-West Coast Hip Hop rivalry, Notorious B. I. G.
Monday: Write your spelling words 5 times. Put them in ABC order inside your Spelling Notebook. Tuesday: Write your Spelling words out and include a definition of each word inside your Spelling Journal. Wednesday: Use your Spelling words in a story that you write inside your Spelling Journal. Thursday take a pre-test of your Spelling words. If you make a 100 take Friday off if not then re-take the test on Friday. Saturday: If you missed words on Friday’s Spelling Test write the words you missed 5 times and re-take the test.
Reading Class:
Charlie will be reading the magazine above as well as Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon. Once Charlie finishes he will be writing 3 facts he learned inside his Music Journal.
For your reading class look online for a book on Tupac and Amazon would be a good place to start. Or go on a Field Trip to a Book Store to purchase a book on Tupac.
Once you finish reading the book write down 3 facts you learned from the book inside your Reading Journal.
Music Class:
Research songs by Tupac and ask for a clean version which you can perform in your Music Class for your parents. Write the song inside your Music Journal.
Charlie is going to learn to perform for us.
Drama Class:
Look up movies Tupac was in and visit a Vintage Clothing store for clothes Tupac would have worn and act out a scene from the movie.
Write down what you did inside your Drama Journal and include why you picked that movie.
Charlie has choose Above the Rim to watch and will also be using some of the Basketball Moves in our PE Class. Would you like to join us for movie night.
Cooking Class:
Look up Tupac favorite meal or snack to prepare in your Cooking Class. If you can’t find what he liked to eat look up his hometown and what foods it’s famous for and prepare this dish for your parents.
Write the recipe inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.
Art Class:
Create a Collage of things you learned about Tupac. Inside your Art Journal write down a description of what your drew and why.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates