When Homeschooling our students we have to teach a lot of classes. Including classes we know nothing about. One of the classes I struggled with was Music Class.

But not anymore Charlie will be taking classes from TakeLessons allowing Charlie to have a teacher that knows what there doing. Freeing me up to do things I need to do.
As I looked through TakeLessons I was excited to see they have singing classes and Guitar which Charlie has always wanted to learn along with David and they could take the classes together.
Pixar’s Grammy-winning and Oscar-nominated, “Soul” introduced jazz to a whole new generation. Did you know April happens to be Jazz Appreciation Month.
Now, before you say April is past its okay there is no better time than now to immerse yourself into the world of jazz through a virtual learning experience that can be shared with friends and family.
TakeLessons, is an online learning space with hundreds of music courses for every skill level. You can learn to play an array of Jazz centric instruments such as piano, guitar, saxophone, and more.
The company also offers a live branch, Takelessons Live, where you can learn with a teacher available to answer questions and classmates to create some improvised sparks together. With their two-way video technology, this online environment feels just like an in-person classroom/band gathering.
Before you ask if Jazz is all they offer no, it isn’t there is Computer Skills, Crafts & Hobbies and Math and so much more. Just check out the website to see all of the classes offered.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates