Homeschool Resources: Science

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Homeschool Resources: Science. Check out these websites and leave me a comment letting me know if you’ve used the resources or not. If you have used them also let me know what you thought of the resources and why.



Help your child bridge the gap between STEM education and application. Each Growin’GEERS challenge helps to connect an engineering concept to problems that people face regularly. Register for an exclusive coupon for the Growin’GEERS subscription for up to five household users for only $69.

Impact Earth!

Grades 5 and up approximately, with parental supervision

This is so cool! Purdue University sponsors this free, web-based computer program that lets you calculate the damage an Asteroid would cause if it collided with Earth.

You can customize the size, density, and speed of the incoming object, determine where it will land, and watch an animation of the Asteroid’s crash course with our planet. Then find out the catastrophic results of your efforts (if any).

When you get to the site, wait for the program to load. (While you’re waiting, use the menu to learn about “Famous Craters,” read documentation about this project, and check out a short glossary of terms used in the program.) Then, simply enter the parameters including:

  • Projectile Diameter
  • Projectile Density
  • Angle of Impact
  • Velocity
  • Target (Water, Sedimentary Rock, or Crystalline Rock)
  • Distance from Impact

Finally, click on “Calculate Impact” to start the animation and see the results. If you’re not sure what to input, there are drop-down lists with suggestions you can use. Once you get the hang of it, it’s fascinating to try different scenarios to see if humanity survives your Asteroid or suffers total annihilation.


Digital Savvy

Convert your child’s screen time to a more productive activity with an online computer Science curriculum from CompuScholar. You do not need to be an expert, as this curriculum is user-friendly, teaching in a step-by-step format.

American Chemical Society – Inquiry In Action

American Chemical Society, Chemistry for Life ®

Grades K-5 approximately, with parental supervision 

Check out this website published by the American Chemical Society where you can download lesson plans with activities that teach Chemistry and Physical Science.

When you get to the website, choose from:

  • Kindergarten Lessons
  • Grade 2 Lessons
  • Grade 5 Lessons

In kindergarten, you can investigate the weather – What makes it rain or snow? What is wind? The second grade lessons include Float and Sink, Heating and Cooling and more. And in fifth grade, students can conduct experiments with M&M’s in water, and much more!

Be sure to check out Educational Resources from the top menu as well. This site is a great way to introduce Chemistry and Physics through engaging activities.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates