Good morning, how are you? I wanted to bring you our Homeschool Resources: Science. Take a look and let me know if you have used any of the Resources.
Science Sidekicks & Science Starters

Award-winning publisher, Scientific Minds, provides web-based programs, Science Sidekicks and Science Starters, for teaching and learning Science in any setting, providing hundreds of lessons that help students master important Science objectives, interactive vocabulary flashcards, and online quizzes.

Grade 1 and up, with parental suprvision
This website provides complete step-by-step instructions on how to make your own Science toys using easily accessible and cheap materials so that “nobody is excluded because of cost.”
When you get to the site, use the menu at the top to choose from:
- Walkalong Gliders
- Boomerang
- Dragonfly Helicopters
- All Projects
- Extras
Under “All Projects”, you can choose between Quick and Easy, Intermediate, or Advanced. In the Quick and Easy section, you’ll see instructions for making Science toys that young kids (elementary school age) can do.
Make a propeller, a vortex, a top, an oscillating Woodpecker, a parachute, a periscope, a robot finger and more!
In the Advanced Section, Teens and adults can make Science toys that include a water rocket launcher, a putt-putt boat, hot air balloon, helicopter, robot hands, and even a lie detector!
Click on any one and a new page opens with instructions (some in Streaming Video), photos, illustrations, explanations, related activities and links for further research.
The projects are open-ended enough to encourage creative invention and tinkering. As the website explains, it is “a resource for inspired parents, kids, teachers, teenagers, homeschoolers, science fair participants and citizen scientists everywhere.”
Labster – High School Virtual Lab Simulations
Want to add a million-dollar lab to your homeschool? Now is your chance with Labster. Labster gives students access to a realistic lab experience that will let them perform experiments and practice their skills in a fun and risk-free learning environment. Make Science come to life anytime, anywhere, at a fraction of the cost.
Dollywood Nest Cams – American Eagle Foundation

All grades, with parental supervision
On this website, you can virtually visit three live bald eagles’ nests at the American Eagle Foundation’s (AEF) Eagle Mountain Sanctuary at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN. Cameras are trained on the nests providing live footage of the action in the nests.
The first nest belongs to Grant & Glenda who are permanently disabled, non-releasable Bald Eagles that were transferred to the American Eagle Foundation in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and will receive the best of care for the rest of their lives. Both Glenda and Grant were residents in our Pick-a-Mate section.
The second and third cameras are of the Female Aviary and Male Aviary.
If this sparks interest in learning more about Bald Eagles, the National Eagle Center website has lesson plans categorized by grade level. Visit the National Eagle Center website here:
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates