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Charlie has been needing to dig into Science and Social Studies more this year. The only way I figured I would be able to get Charlie to do Science was if we did experiments. I must tell you the LORD knew I was struggling because we went to Ollies the other day and David found Sandwich Bag Science: 25 Hands-on Activities for Physical, Earth, and Life Sciences on clearance Charlie and David will be using this year. Would you like to come join us and help us with the Science experiments?

Find out how an empty sandwich bag can be jam-packed with Science in this collection of learning-rich, hands-on activities. Students discover the force of atmospheric pressure, investigate physical and chemical changes in matter, test germination rates of seeds, and so much more. A fun and easy way to meet the National Science Education Standards!
As you see the Science book is for grades 4 though 8th grade and we know Charlie is graduating this year but Charlie can do these experiments when Lily and Jason is over and teach them instead of me teaching Charlie. Not only that this book may be easy enough for David to read while Charlie does the experiments so I hope so. Then I can work while David teaches Charlie.
About the book:

Find out how an empty sandwich bag can be jam-packed with science in this collection of learning-rich, hands-on activities. Students discover the force of atmospheric pressure, investigate physical and chemical changes in matter, test germination rates of seeds, and so much more. A fun and easy way to meet the National Science Education Standards! For use with Grades 4–8.
For use with Grades 4–8.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates