Today is April 29 which allows us to celebrate National Peace Rose Day #NationalPeaceRoseDay for more information on the Peace Rose check out this post. To celebrate the Peace Rose Charlie and I will be visiting a Nursery to purchase a couple Rose Bushes to plant out front of our Townhome and also in my Grandmother’s yard. Would you like to go with us to the Nursery and we can plant Roses in your yard as well?

The Peace rose, formally Rosa ‘Madame A. Meilland’, is a well-known and successful garden rose. By 1992, over one hundred million plants of this hybrid tea had been sold. The cultivar has large flowers of a light yellow to cream color, slightly flushed at the petal edges with crimson-pink. It is hardy and vigorous and relatively resistant to disease, making it popular in gardens as well as in the floral trade.
It was developed by French horticulturist Francis Meilland, in the years 1935 to 1939. When Meilland foresaw the German invasion of France, he sent cuttings to friends in Italy, Turkey, Germany, and the United States to protect the new rose. It is said that it was sent to the US on the last plane available before the German invasion, where it was safely propagated by the Conard Pyle Co. during the war.[1]
Roses, Gardening, Manure, Potting Soil, Tools, Dirt, National Peace Rose Day, Rosa Madame A. Melland, Well-Known, Successful, Garden Rose, Over One Hundred Million Plants, Hybrid Tea Rose, Cultivar, Light Yellow, Cream Color, Slightly, Flushed, Petal Edges, Crimson-Pink, Hardy, Vigorous, Resistant, Disease, Popular, Floral Trade, Florists, French Horticulturist Francis Meilland, Foresaw, German Invasion of France, Italy, Turkey, Germany, the United States, German Invasion, Safely, Propagated, Conard Pyle Co., Gardening Shears, Gardening Gloves, Plant Food, Planters, Flower Pots
Spelling Class:
Charlie will be writing his Spelling words 5 times each in ABC order in his Spelling Journal.
Charlie will be using his Spelling words in sentences that he writes in his Spelling Journal.
Charlie will create a story using his Spelling words and include a drawing for the story in his Spelling Journal which he will read out loud to his parents.
Charlie will take a Pre-Spelling Test if he misses any of the words he will write them 10 times each in his Spelling Journal.
If Charlie made a 100 on his Spelling Test he will take today off and do something fun.
if he missed any of the words he will re-take the Spelling Test and write any of the words he misses 10 times each.
Reading Class:
Charlie will be reading A Rose Named Peace: How Francis Meilland Created a Flower of Hope for a World at War for 30 minutes a day Monday through Thursday. Charlie will be writing 2 facts a day he learned inside his Spelling Journal. On Friday the facts will be turned into a Report Charlie will read out loud to his parents. A photo will be taken of his reading to add to his Reading Journal.
Charlie will research facts on Roses and add them to his Math Journal which will be turned into Math problems for someone in his home to work out. Then they will create 5 math problems for Charlie to work out. Charlie will write the math problems inside his Math journal.
Charlie will watch a Documentary or Roses and create a Report showcasing what he learned to read out loud to his parents.
Charlie will look up songs about Roses or create his own Song to perform for his parents.
We will go shopping at a Resale Store or Vintage Clothing Store for clothes with Roses on them for Charlie’s performance.
Charlie will write the lyrics to the song inside his Music Journal and include a photo of his performance.
Charlie will gather all the facts he has found on Roses and even add real flowers to a piece of Art he will be creating using different styles of art for a Art Class he will be hosting at the end of the year.
In Charlie’s Art notebook he will include a Photo and Illustration of him creating his art.
Charlie will be working outside in our Garden and visiting Nursery’s and stores for Gardening supplies which is Exercise so there will be no formal PE Class this week.
Cooking Class:
Charlie will research Roses and see which ones can be used in Cooking or Beverages and create those recipes to be served during Family Movie Night. Charlie will write the recipes inside his Cookbook with a Photo of his creation that will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.
Charlie will also be studying Francis Meilland – Wikipedia
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates