This morning I would like to share Homeschool Resources: Reading & Transportation with you. If you like Automobiles including Model T’s you will want to check out the YouTube Video.

These Christian study boxed sets of popular titles from New Leaf Press cover a wide variety of topics, including World Religions, Ken Ham’s Classics, Christendom in the 21st century, the story of Noah, and much more.
All grades; children with parental supervision. Don’t miss this one! This is a great video showing the first assembly lines at the original Ford auto plant.
When you get to the website watch the 5-minute video showing how the Model T Ford was manufactured. (There was no sound when we reviewed this.)
You’ll marvel at the speed and precision of the auto workers. We were blown away by the segment that shows how well the Model T negotiated every kind of driving terrain. (It may make you wonder why we can’t make cars like that today!)
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates