Homeschool Resources: Pandas

The Mommies Reviews

This week we will be celebrating Panda’s to celebrate Marsch 16th which is National Panda Day. If David can get off this week I was thinking we would go on a Field Trip to the Zoo to see if they have Pandas for us to see. If your in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area should we go to the Dallas Zoo or the Fort Worth Zoo and why?

Before you begin your Lesson’s on Panda’s check out facts on Panda’s here. You can watch a Documentary on Panda’s or watch kung Fu Panda on DVD. Charlie, David and I are planning a Field Trip to our local Movie Theater to see Kung Fu Panda 4 would you like to come with us? If your like my family you’ve seen the other movies but to refresh our memory Charlie and I are going to host a Movie Watching Party and show all three of the movies. Were going to serve black and white snacks. Your welcome to join us.

Giant Panda:

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), also known as the panda bear or simply panda, is a bear species endemic to China. It is characterised by its bold black-and-white coat and rotund body. The name “giant panda” is sometimes used to distinguish it from the red panda, a neighboring musteloid. Adult individuals average 100 to 115 kg (220 to 254 lb), and are typically 1.2 to 1.9 m (3 ft 11 in to 6 ft 3 in) long. The species is sexually dimorphic, as males are typically 10 to 20% larger. The fur is white, with black patches around the eyes, ears, legs and shoulders. A thumb is visible on the bear’s forepaw, which helps in holding bamboo in place for feeding. Giant pandas have adapted larger molars and expanded temporal fossa to meet their dietary requirements.

Giant pandas are only found in six mountains in a few provinces. They are also found in elevations of up to 3,000 m (9,800 ft). Its diet consists almost entirely of bamboo, making the bear mostly herbivorous, despite being classified in the order Carnivora. The shoot is important to bears, as it contains starch and is 32% protein, hence pandas evolve the ability to effectively digest starch. They are solitary, only gathering in times of mating. Females usually rear cubs for an average of 18 to 24 months. Potential predators of sub-adult pandas could be the leopard. Giant pandas heavily rely on olfactory communication to communicate with one another; scent marks are used to chemical cues and on landmarks like rocks or trees. Giant pandas live long lives; the oldest dying at 38.



Giant Panda, Ailuropoda Melanoleuca, Panda Bear Species, Epidemic, China, Characterized, Black-White coat, Rotund Body, Red Panda, Neighboring, Musteloid, Adult, Individuals, Typically, Long, Males, Fur, Eyes, Ears, Legs, Shoulders, Thumb, Visible, Bear’s forepaw, Bamboo, Feeding, Molars, Expanded, Temporal Fossa, Dietary Requirements, Mountains, Provinces, Elevations, Diet, Consists, herbivorous, Classified, Carnivora, Shoot, Important, Starch, Protein, Evolve, Solitary, Gathering, Mating, Females, Sub-adult Pandas, leopard, Olfactory Communication, Scent Marks


Write your Spelling Words in ABC order 5 times each


Use your Spelling Words in sentences or in a story. If you create a story include a illustration for your story in your Spelling Journal.


Write your Spelling words in your Spelling Journal and include a definition for each word.


Take a Pre-Spelling Test if you make a 100 take today off. If you miss any of the words then write them 10 times each in your Spelling Journal.


Depending what happened on Friday you may have a Free Day or have to re-take your Spelling Test.

Reading Class;

Charlie will be reading Absolute Expert: Pandas: All the Latest Facts From the Field With National Geographic Explorer Mark Brody and All Things Pandas For Kids: Filled With Plenty of Facts, Photos, and Fun to Learn all About Pandas  for 30 minutes a day Monday through Thursday and each day write down two facts inside your Reading Journal.

On Friday you will turn the facts you collected into a report which you will read out loud to your parents. Make sure and have a photo taken of you reading your report to add to your Drama Journal.

Math Class:

Look up facts on Pandas and create 5 math problems for someone in your family to work out.

Then let them create 5 math problems for you to work out.

Write the Math problems inside your Math Journal.

Drama Class:

Gather the films your going to watch this evening and set up the snacks you will be serving.

Visit a Goodwill Store and purchase stuffed Panda’s for those that didn’t have one of there own to bring.

Set up a Selfie station with a Panda for selfies and if worse comes to worse visit a Costume Store and purchase a Panda costume and dress up during your movie night.

Make sure you take plenty of pictures to add to your Drama Journal.

Music Class:

Research songs on Panda’s if you can’t find a song create one of your own to sing for your parents.

Write the song inside your Music Journal and include a picture of you performing your song.

Art Class:

Use the information you found on Panda’s to create a piece of Art for the Art Show you will be hosting at the end of the year.

Or create a Panda free hand.

Write a illustration of your Art Work and include a photo for your Art Journal.

Cooking Class:

Create Black and White Snacks for your movie night and also make Cookies in the shape of Panda’s and decorate them.

Write the Cookie Recipe inside your Cooking Journal and include a photo of the dishes you prepare for the Cookbook you will be creating at the end of the year.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates