Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Homeschool Resources: Music & Games. I would like to ask you to check these resources below and let me know if you’ve used either of these resources and if so what did you think of the resources and why?

Cyber Week Special for Kids Guitar Academy

A lifetime subscription to Kids Guitar Academy provides professionally designed and comprehensive step-by-step online guitar instruction courses that can help kids reach goals quickly and efficiently.
Challenging & Fun Geography Game!– All grades, with parental supervision

Sponsored by Microsoft and affiliated with the Global SchoolNet Foundation, this website links children around the world through a myriad of FREE features and activities that you can explore when you get to the site
You must register to participate in the activities including the incredible Geo Game and GeoGame Project that helps kids learn geography terms, teaches them how to read and interpret maps, and increases their awareness of geographical and cultural diversity. It’s designed for middle to upper ELEMENTARY students, but students in all grade levels are encouraged to play.
When you get to the site click on the “Project Description” in the center of the screen. It will explain the GeoGame project and the GeoGame. Don’t skip this, as it will really make navigating the site MUCH EASIER. It provides teaching strategies and explains what materials you will need to play the game (i.e., U.S. map with time zones & latitudes, road maps, atlas, almanac, encyclopedia, etc.). This is especially helpful if you want to participate in the project — which is a little different than just playing the GeoGame.
Of course, you can just play the GeoGame without participating in the project. In that case, read through the directions for playing the game and then click on “Play the Game” on the menu at the top of the screen. (Don’t forget, you will have to register to play.)
A new page opens with a selection of traditional GeoGames. Select a game category of interest and a new page opens listing the games in that category by I.D. number. Click on a specific game and a new page opens asking you to match the geography clues with the names of various cities and geographical locations. You will need the suggested materials (maps, etc.) to decipher the clues in order to match them to the city or location they describe. Allow at least 30 minutes or more to play the games — as research is a big part of the challenge in order to win!
This really is a remarkable use of technology and cooperative effort by students, teachers, parents, and educators to improve everyone’s knowledge of the world.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates