Charlie and his sister Suzzane have always loved Muhammad. Were preparing Lesson Plans for this year’s Homeschool Physical Education. I knew one of our goals we needed to complete is getting Charlie up to move more. Getting him off Eelctronics.
I thought about enrolling Charlie into Basketball but all of those classes have already began. Then I thought of Martial Arts or Karate but Charlie said he didn’t want to take those classes. Being in Middle School Charlie has the opportunity to pick out what Extra Classes he wants to take.
With PE if I leave it up to Charlie he would say nothing even though we can walk outside and have a Swimming Pool to swim in during the Summer. Finally I’ve come to the conclusion I’m going to purchase weights and a punching bag. When I discussed with David what classes I settled on I let David know I would be looking into Boxing classes for Charlie as well.
To begin our studies this year Charlie is going to study Mammad Ali in our Homeschool Reading Class. Using the magazine below David purchased for Charlie. As well as books I find online. If you have tips on boxing or facts about Muhammad Ali please leave them in the comments and I will add them to our class schedule.

Muhammad Ali (born 20 June 1996) is a British professional boxer. As an amateur, he competed at the 2016 Summer Olympics, 2015 World Championships and the 2014 Youth World Championships where he won a silver medal.[1][2][3]
Reading Class:
Visit your Library or Book Store and pick out a book on Muhammad Ali. Write down three facts inside your reading journal that you learned about Muhammad Ail.
Not only will Charlie be reading the Magazine above Charlie has also picked out Who Was Muhammad Ali?
Spelling Class:
Muhammad Ali, professional boxer, amateur, competed, champion, activist, Individualist, Citizen, Upper Middle Class, Tag Team, Boxing, Six Feet, Kindness, Gentle, Fearless, Champion, Powerful, fist, knockouts, timer, bell, ring
Monday: Write your Spelling words 5 times inside your spelling journal Tuesday write your spelling words in ABC order and then use them in a sentence or story you write. Wednesday: Look up the opposite of each of your Spelling words and write these down in your Spelling Journal Thursday take a Spelling Pre-Test if you make a 100 then you get Friday off. If not write words you missed 5 times in your spelling journal On Friday re-take the Spelling Test.
Math Class:
Look up how many matches Muhammad Ali was in. How many different people did her box. How many matches did he win. How many did he lose?
Use these numbers to create 5 math problems for your family to work out. Then let your family uses some of the numbers to create math problems they can work out.
Write the problems inside your Math journal.
Drama Class:
Act out a Scene in Muhammad Ali’s life and for even more fun dress up like Muhammad would have. If you don’t have the clothes you need ask your teacher to take you on a Field Trip to a local Thrift Store and purchase a outfit to wear during your performance.
Music Class:
Create a song about boxing or Muhammad Ali and perform the song or jingle for your parents during Friday night Movie Night.
Write the song or jingle inside your Music Journal.
Cooking Class“
Look up what foods Muhammad Ali likes to eat. Or a food his Hometown is famous for. Look up recipes for these dishes and prepare them in your homeschool Cooking Class. Serve the meals during Friday Night Movie Night.
Write the recipes inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.
Art Class:
Using different mediums of Art Supplies and Magazines create a collage of Muhammad Ali’s life.
Write a description of what you drew inside your Art Journal.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates