Good morning, welcome to a new Month before we know it kids will be out for Thanksgiving. Before they are I wanted to bring you Homeschool Resources: Math. Take a look at the resources below and let me know if you’ve used either with your students.

Achieve3000 Math is a comprehensive online web-based math practice program delivering personalized practice to close knowledge gaps and builds confidence for your child from grade K to 12.
C. G. P. Grey: Daylight Saving Time Explained
Grades 2-12, with parental supervision
C. G. P. Grey, an American living in England, cheerfully shares his insights on history, politics, and more, by means of illustrated videos.
This YouTube video explains Daylight Saving Time and why we change the clocks in the spring and fall.
Once you understand Daylight Saving Time, you can go to Mr. Grey’s site and see more of his featured videos. His YouTube videos are surprisingly fun to watch, well-made, and highly informative. Even if you find yourself disagreeing with some of them, they are still good launching points for discussion and further study. Some of the math-related videos are:
- The True Cost of the Royal Family
- What is a Leap Year?
- Which Planet is the Closest?
- Social Security Cards Explained
- and more.
As always, parents should preview the site and the videos to determine suitability of content, and supervise all Internet use.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates