Like all families we get busy and Holidays or Birthday is important people pass that we should be teaching our children about when Homeschooling. Which is what happened this with our Homeschool Resource: Martin Luther King Jr. Did you know January 15th is Martin Luther King Jr Day #mlkday.

Charlie is going to read through Martin Luther King Jr I Have A Dream Speech and will be writing a report on what the speech meant to Charlie in his Creative Writing Class. Then I want Charlie to look up films and see if there is any on Marther Luther King Jr we can watch for his drama class.. Would you like to join us?
About: Martin Luther King Jr
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (officially Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.,[1] and often referred to shorthand as MLK Day) is a federal holiday in the United States observed on the third Monday of January each year. King was chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which protested racial discrimination in federal and state law and civil society. The movement lead to several groundbreaking legislative reforms in the United States.
Born in 1929, Martin Luther King Jr.‘s actual birthday is January 15 (which in 1929 fell on a Tuesday). The earliest Monday for this holiday is January 15 and the latest is January 21. The Monday observance is similar for those federal holidays which fall under the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.
The campaign for a federal holiday in King’s honor began soon after his assassination in 1968. President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983, and it was first observed three years later on January 20, 1986. At first, some states resisted observing the holiday as such, giving it alternative names or combining it with other holidays. Official observance in each state’s law as well as federal law occurred in 2000.
Martin Luther King Jr, officially, Birthday, referred, shorthand, federal holiday in the United States, Observed, Third Monday of January, Spokesperson, nonviolent activism, Civil Rights Movement, Racial Discrimination, Federal and State law, Civil Society, Movement, Groundbreaking, Legislative Reforms, Tuesday, Observance, Uniform Monday Holiday Act, Campaign, Kings, Honor, Assassination, President Ronald Reagen, States, Resisted, Alternative names, Combining, Official, Family, Death, Celebrity, Black Men, Labor Unions, Movies, Books, Films, I Have A Dream, Speech
Monday: Write your Spelling words 5 times each in ABC order. Tuesday: Use your Spelling words in a sentence. Wednesday: Use your Spelling words in a Story and include a illustration about your story. Thursday: Take a Pre-Spelling Test if you make a 100 take Friday off and do something fun. If you miss any words write them 10 times each in your Spelling Journal and retake the test on Friday.
Charlie will be reading I Have a Dream (The Essential Speeches of Dr. Martin Lut) in our Reading Class.
Charlie will read for 30 minutes Monday through Thursday then Charlie will write 2 facts each day in his reading journal. Or Friday Charlie will turn the facts into a report to be read out loud to his parents.
Charlie will research local Museums to see if any have anything on Martin Luther King and we will take a Field Trip to the Musuem.
On your Feild Trip take plenty of photos to document your Field Trip in your Field Trip Journal.
Look up facts on Martin Luther King and turn the facts into math problems for someone in your family to work out. Then have them create 5 math problems for you to work out.
Write the math problems inside your math journal.
Look up movies or books on Martin Luther King and turn the information into a report to read in front of your parents. For a Homeschool Field Trip visit a Resale Store or Thrift Store for a outfit Martin Luther King Jr would have wore and wear it during your performance.
Take a photo of your performance to add to your Drama Jorunal.
Music Class:
Look up Martin Luther King Jr and see if there is any Music about him and if so learn the music to Perform for your parents.
Write the music down in your Music Journal.
Take a photo of you to add to your Music Journal,
Cooking Class:
Look up what foods Martin Luther King Jr liked to eat and prepare them in your Cooking Class.
If you can’t find what he liked to eat look up the State Martin Luther King Jr. was born in and create a dish they were famous for.
Write the recipes down inside your notebook which will be turned into a cookbook at the end of the year.
Take a picture of your recipes for your Cooking Journal.
Art Class:
Create a college from all the information you found on Martin Luther King Jr.
For your Art Wall create a portrait of Martin Luther King Jr.
Write a illustration to your Art Work in your Art Journal.
Take a picture of you creating your Art Work for your Art Journal.
Below you will find other resources on Martin Luther King
Monday January 16th, Martin Luther King Day
Martin Luther King Jr. January 15th, 2018
Martin Luther King Jr. Monday, January 16th
Martin Luther King Jr. is January 20, 2020
Let’s Learn About Martin Luther King Jr.
Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates