I miss #Homeschooling Charlie and knowing my #teaching has come to a end but that doesn’t mean I doesn’t mean I don’t want to help others which is why I still choose to share #Holidays with you especially when they can be turned into a learning experience like #OnHitWonderDay which is perfect to teach math, Reading and even a Art or Drama Class. Below you will find a lesson plan I put together for you. For more facts on #oneHitWonder go here:

A one-hit wonder is any entity that achieves mainstream popularity, often for only one piece of work, and becomes known among the general public solely for that momentary success. The term is most commonly used in regard to music performers with only one hit single that overshadows their other work.
Some artists dubbed “one-hit wonders” in a particular Country had achieved success in other Countries. Music artists with subsequent popular albums and hit listings are not properly considered a one-hit wonder, although artists with multiple hits have sometimes been erroneously labelled as “one-hit wonders”.
If one particular hit has become much more well-remembered years or decades later than their other hits. One-hit wonders usually see their popularity decreasing after their hit listing, and most often never return to hit listings with other songs or albums.
One-Hit Wonder, Artists, Particular, Entity, Achieves, Mainstream, Popularity, One Piece of Work, Momentary Success, Music Performers, Music, Records, Songs, Lyrics, Country, Popular Albums, Hit Listings, Mutiple Hits, Erroneously, Labelled, Particular, well-remembered, years, decades, Countries, Singing, Bands, Entertainment, Family Sing-Along’s, Family-Time. Music, Listening, Hearing, Learning
Write your Spelling words 10 times each in your Spelling Journal.
Use your Spelling Words in sentences or in a story inside your Reading Journal.
If you write a story include a picture you create about the story inside your Reading Journal.
Write your Spelling words in your Spelling Journal and include a definition for each of your Spelling Journal.
Take a Pre-Spelling Test and if you miss any of your Spelling words write them 5 times each in your Spelling Journal.
If you missed any words on your Pre-Spelling Test retake the Test today and write any words you miss 10 times each.
If you made a 100 today do something fun based on One-Hit Wonders like visiting a Museum based on Art or a Record Store or Library to learn more about One-Hit Wonders.
Reading Class:
Have your children read One-Hit Wonders: An Oblique History of Popular Music for 30 minutes a day Monday through Thursday.
Write two facts you learned from what you read each day in your Reading Journal.
On Friday turn the facts into a report you will read out loud to your family. Dress up for your performance and ask the Audience to do the same.
Write a description if your performance inside your Reading Journal and include a photo of you during your performance.
Math Class:
Look up any facts you can find on One-Hit Wonders including how many One-Hit Wonder Song have been recorded.
Turn the facts into math facts for someone in your home to work out. Then have them create 5 math problems for you to work out.
Write the Math problems inside your Math Journal.
Music Class:
Look up a list of One-Hit Wonders and pick out a song to perform for your parents. You can use a song from the same decades as the Cookies you will be preparing in your Cookie Class or using in your Play. Or you can find something totally different allowing you to promote another decade to make your leaning last longer.
Take a photo of your performance and add it to your Music Journal and write the lyrics to the song you performed in your Music Journal
Drama Class:
Create a Play about One-hit Wonders that you write and perform the play for your parents. Perform the play for your parents. Write a description of your play in your Drama Journal.
Visit a local Costume Store, Thrift Store or Vintage Clothing Store to dress up for your performance and to find props you can use to enhance your plays performance.
Take a photo of your performance and add it your Drama Journal with a description of your performance and who attended your play.
Have the Audience act like a newspaper reporter and review the play. Have costumes for them to wear and things for them to use in there reports including plenty of pens and paper.
Art Class:
Create a piece of Art based on the information you collected using different styles of art and art supplies.
Write a description of your Art Work in your Art Journal include a photo of your Art Work which will be shared at your Art Show at the end of the year.
Cooking Class:
Pick one decade featuring One-Hit Singers and create Cookies or Sandwiches based on that decade.
Or create Cookies in the shapes of Music, Albums and Record Players to serve during your Drama or Music performance.
Write the recipes to your creations inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates