Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Homeschool Resources: History. I would like to ask you to take a look at the websites below and let me know if you’ve used these resources with your students. If not, would you want to and why?
All American History from Bright Ideas Press

Designed to be engaging and written in a comfortable style, Bright Ideas Press’ All-American History reads like a good book. Bringing America’s story to life, piece by piece.
History Globe: The Oregon Trail– Grades 4-12, with parental supervision
At this website, you can virtually follow the pioneer path along the Oregon Trail and see the natural landmarks, forts, and trading posts that they saw on their long and dangerous journey West.
When you get to the site you will see a menu tab at the top of the page. Click on “1843 Map” and “Modern Map” to compare the path of the Oregon Trail then and now.
Click on “Trail Tour” to begin your virtual journey through photographs and historical paintings accompanied by interesting facts and trivia about:
- Independence, Missouri
- Courthouse Rock
- Chimney Rock
- Fort Laramie
- Independence Rock
- Fort Bridger
- Soda Springs
- Fort Hall
- Fort Boise
- Whitman Mission
- The Dalles
- Oregon City
You can also view information about the landmarks by clicking on their locations on the maps.
NOTE: The “Travel Links” button was originally intended to lead to travel information for those who wanted to visit the Oregon Trail. However, most of the links now lead to error messages and/or to redirects that we have not reviewed. Parents, AS ALWAYS, MUST PREVIEW AND SUPERVISE USE of this website.
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates