CCC! Streaming Media Bundle
Award-winning CCC! Streaming Media Bundle features 6,500+ high-quality video programs aligned to state and Next Generation Science Standards in all subject areas – Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and STEM! These 1-year subscriptions also include an abundance of support materials, including teacher guides, student activities, and quizzes.
Grades 3-12, with parental supervision Discover what happened today in history at this website from the Library of Congress. When clicking on today’s link, the date should automatically be added to the end of the URL taking you to the highlighted events of the day. Looking for a specific date? No problem. Use the “Select date” field to enter your desired date and click go. Each entry includes: Information about the event or person Relevant images and they also include Links to “Learn More” about the subject. There are links throughout the text as well to dig even deeper. This is a neat resource to add to your daily history lesson |

Looking for a history product to delight children of all ages? The Chester Comix history series is an entertaining, educational comic book series in print or digital versions (with digital Teacher Guides).
Sit back and enjoy the fun as hat-wearing Chester the Crab takes your child on a colorful and witty romp through U.S. history. Plus, the exclusive Co-op offer also includes free books.
History Channel: St. Patrick’s Day

Grades 1-12, with parental supervision The fabulous History Channel website offers the biography of St. Patrick, the history of the holiday, lots of interactive information about Ireland and its people, and even some quizzes to take to test your knowledge of the Emerald Isle. St Patrick’s Day
Did you say you want worksheets and lesson plans themed around St Patrick’s Day?
This site has all kinds of language arts worksheets including acrostic poems, adjective worksheets (how many ways can you describe a head of cabbage), crossword puzzles, cryptogram, reading comprehension worksheet, vocabulary quiz, word scrambles, group creative writing lesson, a St. Patrick’s Day maze, St. Patrick’s Day songs and much more!
Erin Go Bragh! (Ireland Forever!)
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates