Here is a new Homeschool Resource Grace Kelly- Hollywood Princess- Book & Photos which Charlie will be studying in Charlie’s Drama Class and also in his Reading Class. One we finish reading the book and discussing the pictures Charlie and I will look up movies with Grace Kelly in them to watch during Free Time on Friday.

Six beautiful 8 x 10 photos still in protective wrap. Paperback book. 64 pages. Black & white and full color. Chapters include topics such as Grace Kelly’s early life, royal life, style, death, trivia, etc.
Reading Class:
I would like for you to read the book and in your reading journal to write down three facts you learned about Grace Kelly.
Drama Class:
Watch a movie of Grace Kelly and act out what you watched for your family.
Cooking Class:
Research what Grace Kelly liked to eat and prepare the dish to serve during Movie Time. Write the recipe down inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.
Art Class:
Create a collage of Grace Kelly using different Art supplies and include a description of what you drew inside your Art Journal.
Grace Kelly, Princess, Actress, Movies, Photo, Hollywood Princess, Fashion, Sacrificed, Love, Forsake, Headlines, World’s Press, High Society, John Ford, Director, Audition, Gary Cooper, Thriller Director, Alfred Hitchcock, Supporters, The Country Girl, Screen Goddesses, Marriage, Prince Rainer, Monaco, Blonde Bombshell, Silver-Screen, Superstar
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates