- Art Study
- Composers
- Nature Study
- Plutarch
- Shakespeare
- Poets
- Hymns
- Folk Songs
- Bible
- and more!

- Crafts & Activities, Recipes, Music and more – Make maple syrup candy, do a book character word search puzzle, print out worksheets and lesson ideas that include how to grind wheat, churn butter, make a braided rug, and more! You’ll even find lyrics to some of the songs & hymns mentioned in the books.
- Little House Historical Sites – Get suggestions for taking an educational vacation by visiting memorial sites across the U.S.
- Biographies of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Friends & Families – Learn more about some of your favorite characters from the books.
- Little House on the Prairie Television Series – Find episode guides for all 10 seasons, the cast of characters, and more.
Age Range: 6-18 (Grades 1-12, with parental supervision)
This commercial website sells an online writing program, but it also provides free writing resources that include instructional videos, printable worksheets, and interactive games.
There’s enough free material to jump-start writing, nudge it along, hone some grammar skills, and more.
When you get to the site you’ll see an introduction and below it are some of the free writing resources.
Use the menu on the right side of the home page to easily access the free writing resources that teach:
Writing Sentences – Sentence structure, fragments and run-on sentences; simple, complex and compound sentences; types of sentences including declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory
Writing Paragraphs – Topic sentence, supporting details, concluding sentence, and types of paragraphs
Writing Essays – Introduction, thesis statement, concluding paragraph, types of essays, etc.
Writing Mechanics – Parts of speech, subject-verb agreement, capitalization, punctuation, homophones, homonyms, etc.
Standardized Test Writing – Identifying sentence errors, choosing the better sentence, editing and revising paragraphs, improving sentences, writing the SAT essay.
Click on a topic of interest and a new page opens with a selection of sample lessons, activities, and games.

- Printable worksheets
- Downloadable workbooks
- Reading Lists
- Holiday Printables
- Assessments
- Audio books
- Classroom management tools
- You can even study Spanish!
- Learning English – Dozens of free Grammar games. Articles, Parts of speech to Superlative adjectives
- Noun Dunk – Helps students understand common & proper nouns with practice from this simple online game.
- Proofreading Makes Perfect – You choose skill: Capitalization, punctuation, spelling, usage or putting it together.
- Middle School – Online lessons & activities: Adjective and Adverbs, General Grammar Exercises (error correction exercises), nouns, prepositions, Pronouns & verb tenses.
- Grammar Exercises – Intermediate Online practice. Comma Splices, Fragments, Irregular Verbs, Commas, Pronoun Agreement, Pronoun Reference, S-V Agreement & Word Choice.
- And so much more!

- In tribute to Hercules and his Labors, a huge or heroic task is said to be Herculean.
- The Midas touch, or the gift of profiting from whatever one undertakes, is named for a legendary king of Phrygia.
- A book of maps gets its name from Atlas, the Titan who supported the heavens on his shoulders.
Heroes – Read the comic-book-style biographies of Jason, Hercules, Bellerophon, Theseus, Odysseus and Perseus – in English or Latin!
Today – Find out how the Greek myths are relevant today.
Encyclopedia – Get definitions and descriptions of various characters, places, and events in Greek mythology.